How soon apart for different plastic surgery procedures?

I am nine months post op and about 20 pounds from goal. I am scheduled for plastic surgery (tt, hernia repair, breast lift/augmentation) on December 11. The other two things I plan on are thigh lift and arm lift. I hope to have all this done by April (if I heal ok, my body and doctor are willing). I don't need people to tell me I am rushing things (I already know that)! I was just wondering if anyone else had everything done so fast.    — Lisa N M. (posted on November 27, 2002)

November 27, 2002
I did my tt at 9 months too. I was 10 pounds from my goal weight. As far as the next plastic surgery, I was told to wait 3 months between them so you should be just fine!!
   — Patty H.

November 29, 2002
I was told to wait for a total of at least 18 months for any plastic surgery procedures to be done.
   — yourdivaness

November 30, 2002
Lisa, I've heard of others whose surgeon does a 3 month wait in between surgeries. My doctor has a 6 month waiting period. You have to realize also that at the 3 month marker post op you still may have some swelling from your original surgery to deal with. A lot of time they say you won't see the "true" result until 6 months out. I'd say though, if you feel up to the surgery and you have your reasons, go for it.
   — Shelly S.

December 1, 2002
I had my tummy tuck done when I was barely 13 months out, then I had my arms and breasts done three months later. I had to have a hysterectomy done with the tummy tuck, but I recovered well from both of the surgeries. I am hoping to have my legs and butt done in the spring. I want to lose the last stubborn twenty pounds first! If you are ready, you are ready! You and your surgeon are best suited to make this call! Good luck! You will love your new body. :0)
   — sheron H.

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