This is kind of a raw question

My husband and I are both planning on having wls, me before him. When I met him, I weighed 211# and he weighed about 260#. Over the past 11 years we have each gained about 60#. Both of us have diabetes and because of this desease, my husband is impotent( he was impotent when I met him). Sex was never a big part of our marriage. We have not been intimate for the better part of a year. My question is, Because I am MO, I have alot of extra fat in the genital area and I know this it will be taken care of either by weighloss or surgery. My husband, on the other hand, how do I say this, is small. I don't know if he is that way because he too is MO or God just made him that way or could it be that he is fatty in that area too. I would never ask him if he was ever bigger when he was smaller. Will he have to have plastic surgery on his private area too? Thanks, Claire    — gramof3 (posted on January 13, 2003)

January 13, 2003
Ok. I had this same concern about my son when he was an infant. I thought they have messed up his circumcision. Well my son was a rolly polly pudgey baby. The pediatrician advised that he had a lot of fat down there and it does affect the size of the penis visually. Now as he grows up and thins out it is not as obvious. I think you should ask your surgeon about this but this is what I was told about my son ( I think it would apply to adults also) Jamie
   — Jamie Ellyn M.

January 13, 2003
Its the fat. My husband has to find it to use it. When we met 38 years ago and some 150 lbs each ago, he was very average in size.
   — Tawnda C.

January 13, 2003
I heard once that a man gains 1 inch (down there) for every 25 lbs. he loses. Boy, if he had alot to lose that could add up quick!!!
   — Tambi B.

January 13, 2003
I don't know about that last poster's data. I've lost 139 pounds and I certainly have not added 5 inches. It appears larger than before, but not 5" larger...JR
   — John Rushton

January 13, 2003
I always think its better to ask than to be kept in the dark....Now, I would guess that not having a very strong sexual realationship had to do with the fact that we big folks are programmed not to think sexually. I am so lucky that I have found a wonderful man who thinks I am sexy even though I am big. Experiment with different positions.. use toys if you want, explore each other, even if its just to give a loving massage. Size doesn't matter to me--body or penis!!! Its what you do with it... its how you feel about it. :)
   — Peg L

January 13, 2003
I have lost 165# and seemed to have gotten larger in the penis ;) I had hormone inbalance. Have the surgeon check your husbands hormone levels. WLS will help the diabeates. It is a hinderance to sex good lux
   — Robert L.

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