Pain around my side and back

Hi! I'm 6 months post op, and recently have been experiencing pain episodes that start in my sides (right underneath my breasts) and radiate around to my back. It feels like I'm being squeezed and is absolutely intense. They last for about 4-5 minutes and then they pass. It happens every day but it seems like only one time a day. Does anyone know what this is or what I should do about it? Thank you    — Kelley F. (posted on January 17, 2003)

January 16, 2003
If you still have your galbladder then 99% chance it's saying get rid of me. If you do not have one anymore then I would call the surgeon and see what they think.
   — zoedogcbr

January 16, 2003
hi kelley, i have not had my surgery yet but i read the questions and answers everyday religiously, that's how i learn..i've heard some people say it's gas caused by the air they put in during surgery...just a thought but check with your dr. if it continues....congrats and best of luck....chell
   — Michelle L.

January 16, 2003
Kelly, I'm having the same pains,They would come and go, fisrt I thought my brawas too tight and just wrote off the pain... LoL Finally I went to my doctor yesterday for al ultra sound and come to find out I have gall stones, the gall bladder needs to be removed... I'm truly dreading another surgery, but it needs to be removed. Kelly go see your doctor, more then likley it's your gall bladder too, WIsh they would have removed it at surgery time... Oh well from what I hear it'll just start your weight loss even more.... Post Op Open Ryn 8 months down 110 pounds
   — tannedtigress

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