10 wks and I feel I'm eating to much.

Thank you for the respond before, I didn't make myself very clear sorry. I had surgery 11/4/02 I have lost a total 58 pounds so far, i think my weight loss is fine but for some reason when I read these post's i feel like I'm able to eat to much. I can eat awhole lean cuisine no problem and i don't feel stuffed just satisfied. It seems like a lot more than most can eat, but i'm still loosing weight. Day of my surgery I was 313pnds @ 5.1 &1/2 ft tall. now i am 257. thank you for any feed back.    — Consuelo B. (posted on January 22, 2003)

January 22, 2003
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Eat as few of calories as possible, to get your protein gms in....not one bite not eat lean cuisines...too many carbs. 100% protein until you get to goal weight. Then add carbs...carbs cause eat carbs when you are at the weight you want to be. Are you there yet? If not, DON'T EAT CARBS. and don't eat quanities because they FIT. Only eat enough to get protein grams in.
   — lee J.

January 22, 2003
OK, here's another opinion (and they're like ... okay, I'll say "noses," we all have one, so here's mine). :D<P>I find it frustrating to read how much other people eat, too, because it often seems like too little to me. My doc likes to steer us away from counting calories, and expresses limits in terms of "bites," but that doesn't work for me, either -- I just can't understand what a "bite" is. By the same token, to say that you can eat a whole Lean Cuisine is pretty general -- there's a difference between eating an entire Mac & Cheese, or an entire Ravioli, and something denser, like Chicken Enchiladas Suiza (with rice), or one of their meat dishes with sides. If you can eat all of 'em, regardless of density, at ten weeks, then my opinion is that that is a lot to be eating at that time. But if it's one of the softer ones, and you aren't doing it every day, I don't think it's particularly unusual. Also, I'm not an anti-carb person, but if you find your weight loss slowing down at some point, you may want to re-evaluate your protein-to-carb ratio. I try keep my protein gram intake ahead of my carb gram intake over the course of a day.
   — Suzy C.

January 22, 2003
i had surgery 9/3/02 and down 70 lbs. I feel my weight loss is steady and gradual. But i went back to see surgeon yesterday for exactly the same thing your talking about. I feel I can eat way too much at one time and feel satisfied by not stuffed. I find I have to push myself away from the table or I would continue to eat more. What the surgeon office said, is " for 3 weeks measure out your food, keep a diary, don't eat and drink at same time (i have a habit of that) see the nutritionist and bring the diary back in 3 weeks". Not the answer I wanted, as I didn't go through with this surgery to measure and weigh food. I've done that all my life. If I have continued with a steady loss, basically they are saying the pouch streatches and this is normal for me. But if not then they will do a scope and check out the insides to see how they look. Well that's my story, and that's what the surgeon has suggested. Does not apply to anyone eles. Thanks for listening ....
   — Jeana S.

January 22, 2003
You will find that people can eat different amounts. Keep in mind that the surgeons make different size pouches, so that a 1 oz pouch would hold less than a 3 or 4 oz pouch could. Also, depending on what you are eating in the Lean Cuisine, some are smaller than the others (the duos tend to be smaller than the ones with meat,starch and veggie). Early out, I too thought I was eating too much, about the 3 months check up when I told the surgeon I could eat 6-8 oz of a 10 oz Lean Cuisine he sent me for an upper GI. It showed the pouch was still the 2 - 3 oz that he had made it and he thought that i was not only filling up my pouch but also my esophagus tube leading to the pouch, which probably holds an additional few ounces! Well, I started eating a little less after that. One good way not to eat too much is to cut the meal in 1/2 and only put that much on your plate. When its finished-thats it-meal is over...
   — Cindy R.

January 22, 2003
why do some people like to think this is boot camp??? We're eating less than before people!!! A 400 calorie diet is considered to be "very low calorie" just as an 800 calorie diet. In fact, I'd rather be at the 800 range because it's still so very little calories that it causes that great weight loss. Furthermore, once you get to goal and stabilize there and are able to eat a more substantial amount of calories, it will be a normal amount meaning your metabolism will not be used to getting such low calories that any extra bit causes a weight gain. Yea high protein is good for the body, but what's up with all the drill sergeant's "NO CARBS UNTIL YOU REACH GOAL?" Didn't we do this to be normal and not be on "diets?" Come on people if diets worked, we wouldn't have had surgery... I think this surgery is supposed to normalize us, so let's take advantage of that!!! Enjoy life, enjoy the dining experience, just don't eat like a pig!! (That's my humble opinion anyway) ciao
   — Iris B.

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