Can I get some samples of appeal letters for a tummy tuck and breast lift?

Ive been denied by my insurance company for a tummy tuck and breast lift. Im going to appeal! I was wondering if any of you (and I know there are a lot of you out there) could email me a copy of your appeal letters that won your appeal? Im in desperate need of some sample letters. I know what I want to say, but, the words just arent coming out right. Thank you in advance. If you can send me a copy, please send it to... [email protected] Much appreciation! Good luck and God bless! : )    — Kerry P. (posted on February 2, 2003)

February 2, 2003
There is a great website at The site has several appeal letters, etc, and is extensive. Another site that has been listed when this question had come up on the AMOS website before is
   — lezawomack

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