Does anyone know how I can find out how to get open enrollment...

for Aenta or Cigna? I live in PA near philly and I am in need of a different insurance carrier. Any help? Thanks in advance!    — sandrac131 (posted on February 10, 2003)

February 10, 2003
You will need to call your HR dept. They will be able to tell you when open enrollment is. Ours is in March.Also there may be other things that will qualify you, such as stepping down to a per diem position then going back to full time. At per diem you would not qualify for ins., so when you returned to a full time status you could then resign up for the insurance of your choice. Good luck the insurance game is not an easy one to play! I wish you the best!
   — Nickie C.

February 10, 2003
I just signed up for Blue Cross Blue shield they told me they would cover if medically necessary. In which we know it is right??? Anyways, it's expensive, but I don't have a car payment so I am filling in with this insurance. BTC (bariatric treatment center) can get you approved through blue cross blue shield traditional self pay, but I'm not sure about Cigna or Aetna, I've checked their web sites and saw nothing on self funded insurance throught them. Hope this helps. Tracy
   — Tracy H.

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