Has anyone had any complications from their surgery?

I have had severe complications from my surgery, I would like to talk to anyone else who has had some.    — Judy K. (posted on February 25, 2003)

February 25, 2003
I know of several people who had complications, including me. Look at my profile for details. Also, Wanda Smart, from Pennsylvania had her surgery nearly a year ago and just got home, finally, earlier this month. I know there are others and when I think of them, I'll let you know. Feel free to email me.
   — garw

February 25, 2003
I got a staff infection. It has been awful!!
   — Karyn R.

February 25, 2003
Well, not really complications from the surgery, per se, but feel free to view my profile or email me.
   — yourdivaness

February 25, 2003
I had several complications. I developed a leak and infection, stayed in the hospital 10 days. I also developed fluid on my lungs and anemia right after surgery. The whole story is in my profile. Feel free to email me as well at [email protected].
   — sheltie

February 25, 2003
I had some complications in the first couple of months necessitating a second surgery (not a big deal), but personally know three people (different surgeons) that have had more serious or long term complications. One with nausea even after a year and a half, one that almost died after a second surgery to correct a herniated intestine left her in a coma for a month, and one who has had to have many follow-up surgeries. E-mail me if you'd like.
   — mom2jtx3

February 26, 2003
my freind kathy had surgery 10 months ago and is still in a hosptial (convelesant hosptial now) she can not walk, she can still barely eat, has uncontrolable diahrrea, vomits dialy a few times, always. she was in a coma for a month after wls. her gastrointerologist says her insides are the strangest he has ever seen, her doctor did some bizarre rny on her. she got bed sores, ulcers, had leaking, she has been opened up so many times i could not count. the last of the bed sore surgeries has finally begun to heal the open sore on her back (it was as big as a saucer). but the spot they took the skin and tissue from is infected. oh she has lost wieght, but what a way to do so. she can only now sit up for about an hour at a time, but getting her up is a ordeal at her weight. part of her problem started from poor nursing care in the hospital. they laid her down on her back and put the oxygen up her nose, but she breathes from her mouth so she had a lack of oxygen for a few days before they realized it, and she fought the vent becuase she was so out of it in her mind from the lack of oxygen. her legs remain swollen and painful the skin cracks form the swelling and they ooze all the time. the rehab hospital her insuracne covered did not have any facility fior obese partients so they did nothing for her, that caused the bed sores. they could not get her up. (she had a starting weight of 465.)where she is at now has a bed that will lift her up a bit. but her insuracne is crappy and only covers so much, no one wants her! she will be moved to a county facilty for the poor and desttite, i can only imagine what that place will be like. as it is now she lays in her own poof for hours and is always covered with sores (she does not know when she has gone sometimes) a horrible life for her. she is bald totally on top too, like a man she said!! she should of checked out her doctor better, obvisouly her surgeon did not know what she was doing, and kathy blindly trusted her, never trust anyone, always find out the facts for yourself! even knowing all these horrors i am going to have wls.
   — janetc00

February 26, 2003
Wow- Janet's story about her friend is amazing. Janet, if you read this, I hope her surgeon is no longer performing surgery! I would definitely advise all pre-ops to thoroughly check out their surgeons. Now, as to my can read my profile, but to make a long story short, 5 days after lap RNY, I had a second open surgery due to a kinked bowel caused by a hernia. So, longer recovery, but at 1 year post-op, couldn't be happier. I also know a woman who had WLS a month before me, different doctor, and had an awful recovery-turned out the surgeon had left a sponge in her! 3 months post-op they went in to take it out...awful. She lost her job because of all the time off...can you say "lawsuit?"
   — Cindy R.

February 26, 2003
I'm sos orry for the complications so many haev been through that just posted. It is so unfortunate. And it does happen, but doesn't happen to everyone, ofcourse. I think it's great you are looking at both sides of this, the ups and downs. My nutritionist, RN, surgeon, everyone I went to were all so impressed of my knowledge of this surgery, better than most they see. And despite this, nothing could have prepared me for my complication. Although marginal ulcers can be more common, I also had a hole in my stomach, which had I not had surgery immediately, could've developed into a fatal illness. Some have been through worse, but I'm still dealing with health issues 2 months after that emergency surgery. (I'm 9 months post-op now) You can check out my profile for more. But I don't regret having LAP RNY either, I'm happier. goodluck to you.
   — Lezlie Y.

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