When are post -ops elidigible to give blood?

I am 7 months post op and sown 88 lbs. I was told I could donate blood but, after I was 1/2 through donating the blood clotted. The attendant ask me if I was drinking enough water. I drink 64 oz daily. If this is something we are not allowed to do post op? or was the a rare occurance? I would like to know. I have not had trouble donating pre-op.    — LaVena H. (posted on March 4, 2003)

March 4, 2003
You need to check with your surgeon. MY surgeon, and a few wls sites I have been on tell their patients NOT to donate blood after having this surgery. Personally, for me I cant because my Iron level is too low.
   — star .

March 4, 2003
I agree with the other poster. I was told I cannot donate blood. I believe it was a problem with my iron count, but I am not sure. Good Luck!
   — Beffy W.

March 4, 2003
I was told not to donate blood until after my 1 yr post-op check up. The doctor wants to be sure my blood levels are OK and that my weight loss is stable. He also mentioned that although WLS won't prevent me from donating he cautioned me to be careful about making sure adequate water, protein and iron etc would be replaced. Pre-op I was donating about every 3 months. I'm thinking I might start donating about twice a year now provided my blood work looks good. (10 months post-op, open, non-transected, distal RNY, pre-op 5'6'' 263 lbs, now 155 lbs, 15 lbs til goal)
   — Kelly S.

March 4, 2003
I was told that donating blood was no longer an option for me EXCEPT for personl storage before a surgery IF my iron, proteins, etc were all good and I drank extra water.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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