Has anyone experienced permanent pain/numbness from arm surgery?

I just had my plastic consult on Thursday and the plastic surgeon told me not only is one drawback from the brachioplasty bad scars, but since the area they cut houses the nerve endings, a lot of patients experience a permanent numbness and/or pain along the scar line. Has anyone that had this procedure had this complication? Any pictures you can share with me of your scars?    — Tparker (posted on April 15, 2003)

April 15, 2003
Actually that is true for all surgical sites/scar areas. Feeling may come back (slowly~2 years) but it will never feel the same as untraumatized skin. Nerve endings heal at a rate of <1 cm per month. Sometimes as they heal and reconnect they "overwork" and cause continual pain for a while. Donna
   — Donna O.

April 15, 2003
I agree with the last poster. While I have never had any reconstructive surgery I have had surgery to remove a large birthmark on my back. I have a 6 inch scar that gives me the creeps if anyone touches or pushes on this area. It does not have full feeling after almost 8 years but it does have some kind of feeling in certain areas.
   — Dee ,.

April 15, 2003
I also agree with the previous posters. I've had a c-section and the area along the scar is numb. I had a bikini line incision and initially, I was somewhat numb from about 2 inches below the belly button down. Most of that feeling has finally returned, but the area along the incision will always be numb.
   — Carolyn M.

April 15, 2003
I had my brachioplasty 17 months ago, and the entire incision line is still numb-to-touch on both arms. It's a strange feeling, but I wouldn't trade these wonderful "new" arms for all the sensation in the world! Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

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