Need appeal letter for arms!!

I have been denied for surgery on my arms. I have about 4 inches (feels like 25) hanging from my arms. I am going to have my abdominoplasty next month and would like to have my arms done at the same time. I want to send an appeal letter in asap but don't know what to write. Please help!!    — candymom64 (posted on June 14, 2003)

June 14, 2003
Seems you have to find a medical reason to have that skin removed. While some rare insurers accept the fact that you just need reconstructive surgery to have a normal body after mass weight-loss, most want a medical reason behind it. For example I find that my hanging arms get bruised very easily, go numb when I sleep on them, get rashes from sweat in the creases, etc. Find whatever medical reason you can and complain, complain, complain about it!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 14, 2003
i have neverheard of an insurance company paying for arms. there is just no medical reason, according to their literature. there is no fold to get irratated, no extreme wieght of the skin to hurt back or shoulders, it is just mighty ugly, i know becuase i have the biggest most enormus fat skin hanging on my arms it is unreal! bat wings? nope, more like elephant wings on my upper arms.
   — janetc00

June 14, 2003
I've never heard of anyone getting their arms approved (unless they work for BTC and BTC's insurance will cover the arms!). I have BC/BS and appealed twice, for medical reasons, but to no avail....I have to pay for them myself. My arm lift and breast augmentation is July 11th....I'm soooo excited! Good luck to you!
   — Lynette B.

June 14, 2003
Is the fact that I can't shave my armpits anymore a medical reason? Seriously, I can only make a little swipe under the pit and most of it I can't touch with the razor because of the way the skin folds...the razor will just rip it. And having done that once already...I can attest to the fact that I thought I might need medical attention for that! Yowza!
   — Anna L.

June 14, 2003
I have heard of some insurance companies covering the arms, but you'd probably have to have some 'medical necessity' documented, rashes, infections, etc. Also, have you thought about seeing if your plastic surgeon would do the arms at the same time as the TT? Then your insurance would be paying for the hospital stay, anasthesia, etc. and you could just pay the extra for the surgeon's fees to do the arms.
   — garw

June 15, 2003
That isn't always true..I am 2 years postop and I have BCBS of California PPO and they paid for my TT, Breast Lift, Arms & Legs..They denied the arms frist time around but my plastic surgeon wrote a letter and it was it can happen..My doctor was great and I think had he not contacted the insurance company..they might not have allowed it...good luck to everyone :)
   — [Deactivated Member]

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