Did anyone NOT hit a major plateau in the first few months???

I've heard so many stories of people hitting these horrible plateaus in as little as 3 weeks following surgery. Does this happen to everyone??? Is there anyone who didn't hit a plateau in the first few months post-op??? Thanks for any info.    — Jennifer H. (posted on July 11, 2003)

July 11, 2003
I am 9 months post-op, starting weight of 348.5. I am down 133 lbs. I have just now hit my first real plateau. Not complaining yet, but it sure is frustrating!
   — Want2bslim

July 11, 2003
Hi Jennifer. No, a plateau in the first 3 weeks does not happen to everyone because everyone is different. I am just now hitting one and I am 16 weeks out. Once you start to loose weight, your body will say "wait a minute! What's going on here? I'm not getting all the food I used to get!" and it will basically shut down for a short time so that your body can catch up with your new system. This will happen at different times for everyone. They say usually around 3 months you will probably plateau, but it depends on your body and how it is reacting. Good luck Hun!
   — anitanbug

July 11, 2003
I have never really hit a plateau at all but after the 6 month mark my weight loss sloooooooooowed way down. Good luck! 212/114.5/108
   — TP

July 11, 2003
I'm happy to say that I don't know how many plateaus I had along the way. When I hit the first one, at three weeks out, I got rid of the scale and weighed myself every few weeks at the doc's office or at the gym. I didn't start getting on the scale several times a week until I was pretty close to goal. It was not always easy staying off the scale for weeks at a time, and I always regretted it if I "peeked" and weighed myself too soon, but frankly, I didn't want to drive myself any more nuts than I already was with unrealistic and impatient expectations. It took me a long time to gain all my weight, during which time you can be sure I had no trouble staying off the scale. ;-) I think that, for those of us who are driven mad by the scale, the best thing to do is stay off of it as much as possible and concentrate on tracking what we're eating, how we're exercising, and on working to improve both (the scale *will* follow in its own time). Just my 2c. :-)
   — Suzy C.

July 11, 2003
Hi Jen,,,I am 4 wks. out, have lost 28 lbs, & have already hit my first plateau a week ago,,,been quite upset with myself until someone said to me, "check your inches". I have lost 3"s on my waist, 2"s on each upper and lower arm and a little over 2"s on each calf & each thigh. And I'm no kid,,,I'm 57 yrs. old & when you're older it's even HARDER to lose weight, operation or no operation!!! When our body "gets over itself", it too will start losing again too. We have really scared the hell out of our poor bodies and when it's ready it will start again. DON'T let it discourage you if the weight slows down early,,,just keep doing what you know you're suppose to. Lots of good luck to you,,,you'll do fine,,,relax
   — DONNA S.

July 11, 2003
I am 4.5 months post op, and hit my first plateau at about 3.5 months out. I have currently lost 80lbs. You know what, check your inches. If you are doing all things you are supposed to be doing, Don't sweat it!
   — dimpkd

July 11, 2003
I think EVERYONE does. I sure hit many plataus. Thankfully in the first year they go away fairly quick. Especially in the first six months.
   — Danmark

July 11, 2003
hiya~ it took me 6 months to hit a plateau and then it lasted for about 6 weeks. i thought for sure my weight loss was over! but it wasn't. i now weigh 10-15lbs below goal weight and i'm 2 years post op. good luck, kate
   — jkb

July 11, 2003
I am almost 5 months out without any major plateaus. I have had no longer than a week or 10 dayw without a weight loss, but my raate of loss has slowed down tremendously. So far, 75 pounds.
   — Fixnmyself

July 14, 2003
I thought I had hit a plateau during weeks five and six, but, even then, I only stopped losing for 10 or 12 I don't think that really counts, does it? In my lowest weeks I have at least been able to log a one pound loss. Lap rny 274/185/145.
   — eaamc

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