I have excess skin above the waist on my ribs just hanging as well as the love handle

area. Does a regular tummy tuck take care of this excess skin as well as the hanging apron? The plastic surgeon that I consulted in April doesn't like doing the "Around the World" procedure that I thought I had heard explained on here. He said at most he only liked going from side to side, but I guess I'm hating the thought of a cut at my waistline and would rather have it along my "bikini" line. Does the tt get rid of ribcage skin and love handles or which procedure would I need to get rid of that as well. Also, I've read on occasion about "puffy muffys". How do we get rid of those?    — Tparker (posted on July 24, 2003)

July 24, 2003
The anchor incision will help with the stuff hanging higher up (vertical incision in front in addition to the horizontal one in "bikini" area)
   — mom2jtx3

July 24, 2003
I had the hanging skin above the navel and ribcage and love handles. I had an extended TT which means, that it goes almost all the way around me and I have the vertical scar too. I still have the roll that is right under the bra though. Due to 'blood supply issues', the PS couldn't do anything about that. I do however have a flat stomach and no fatrolls around hte middle at all. It looks FABULOUS! As for hte 'puffy muffys", that gets pulled up at the same time. The incision line is right above the pubic area, goes up around the hips, BELOW the waistline and around to my back. It also lifted my butt and thighs a little too. Extra bonus! My surgeons website is if you want to take a look at his abdomnioplasties and you can see some of the scars.
   — Kris T.

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