Did anyone experience heavier cycles after surgery?

I don't mean to be gross, or too descriptive, but I am a little concerned. I did not have a period for 5 months prior to surgery. On the day of surgery I started my period and bled heavily for 17 days!!! Now it is a month later and it is so heavy, that it even wakes me up every two hours or so because it is running down my leg! That has NEVER happened to me before. Should I be concerned?    — Michele B. (posted on August 17, 2003)

August 17, 2003
YES that happened to me too and at 7 months out it has finally gotten more normal. It comes like clock work and is much more manageable yet still a little on the heavy side. It also only last 4-5 days now. Thank God!!!!!
   — Carol S.

August 17, 2003
Yes, it is not uncommon to experience heavier than usual periods after WLS. I started my period the day after surgery (it wasn't due for another 2 weeks) and since then they have been heavy with severe cramping the first few days--exacerbated by the fact that I can no longer take my Vioxx or Aleve. Perhaps it is due to the stored estrogen in the fat which is being released into our bodies as we lose weight. Perhaps it is due to the major stress of surgery. With that said, SEE YOUR DOCTOR. Go back to your primary care doctor and discuss it with him/her. Get a blood test for iron levels, hormone levels, PAP, etc. There may be other things going on as well, so rule them out before attributing everything to WLS. Good luck and let us know what happens.
   — Margaret S.

August 17, 2003
Mine is still really regular, just heavier and longer than it used to be. I used to be able to clock them, exactly 72 hours long (yeah I'm weird), but now it's more like 5 days, and I've never in my life had them soooo long. Heavier, too, I've been awakened in the night unpleasantly myself. I'm 8 months out now, and hope it will chill out. But there's worse things, I suppose.
   — Kimberley E.

August 17, 2003
I had a long heavy period and I was 6 YEARS post-menopausal!! LOL This is normal. Didn't your doctor tell you to expect it? Be VERY VERY careful about birth control!!!
   — Chris T.

August 17, 2003
I had my period the week before my period and then three days after surgery I started again. I have heard this is a normal reaction to the surgery. Now I am 10 months postop and I have regular periods with my birth control, but they are heavier than ever. Sometimes I have to wear a super absorbancy tampon and a pad. I think this is because our bodies are in such shock after surgery. My pcp told me that this should easy up at about 14-16 months.
   — ckreh

August 17, 2003
I started oral birth control because mine were regular before surgery but since are more unpredictable. Since starting the BCP, I have had breakthrough bleeding nearly all month. More annoying than anything and i hope it levels out.
   — Happy I.

August 17, 2003
i was exactly the same way,i didnt have a period for about 4 months . i had always been irregular ,mostly i guess because of my weight. Well after surgery my period was so heavy i would wake up every 2 hours to change because it was running down my leg or i had went through i was using 3 to 4 pads it was ridiculous. I am glad it only lasted about 7 days but i have heard other women who said it had lasted up to 30 days for them, so thank God for small miracles. But my dr. said it was normal. So i guess i know what to expect now. Good luck and God bless.
   — rachel A.

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