Could this be a stricture?

Lately, after 2-3 bites, I am so full I have to stop. Sometimes, I feel like I need to bring everything back up. Anybody know what could be causing this.    — ZaZa F. (posted on August 28, 2003)

August 28, 2003
According to your profile, you are well over a year post-op. I would say that it could be a stricture, or a partial one, if it was a complete stricture, the food would come up as it would have no other place to go to. Since this has not been the norm for you, get your surgeon to check it out.
   — Cindy R.

August 28, 2003
I've had 3 strictures in the 10 weeks since surgery and have another one right now.The symptoms you are having can be signs of a stricture so if it continues i would call your surgeon.Actually any change that is out of the ordinary I would be calling my surgeon...Partial or total strictures can cause vomiting,a feeling of fullness,gaslike pressure,pain in tummy when eating or drinking.
   — jennifer A.

August 28, 2003
Hi, I have had 4 strictures and 4 dilitations in less than 8 weeks. I am 2 years post op. Mine were caused by an ulcer from Vioxx. It does sound like a stricture. I would most definately contact the doc. Take care.
   — Karen Renee

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