Besides leg cramps, what are some of the symptoms of potassium deficiency?

I have been feeling extremely weak and I get dizzy at the drop of a hat. I know that my potassium is low because the leg cramps stopped when I started eating at least one banana a day. But are there other symptoms that I just didn't associate with potassium?    — Etta M. (posted on October 31, 2003)

October 31, 2003
Feel free to read my profile for my potassium problems and how it made me feel. It is VERY dangerous!
   — Danmark

October 31, 2003
Potassium Deficiency is VERY SERIOUS!! Leg cramps are just the first sign of the deficiency as your body starts to canabalize itself to get the necessary nutrients wherever it can. This deficieny will affect your heart, your thought process, your digestive system, etc. Very Serious! Here are some of the other side-effects from Potassium deficiency. PLease, please see your doctor immediately and also start taking a supplement! A banana a day will not do the trick until you get the problem arrested! Treat this as serious, ok? ~Tammara Deficiency: Acne Arrhythmia Cognitive impairment Constipation Depression ECG changes Edema Fatigue Glucose intolerance Growth retardation Hypercholesterolemia Hyperretlexia Hypotension Insomnia Mental apathy Muscular weakness Nervousness Palpitations Plydipsia Proteinuria Respiratory distress "Salt" retention Tachycardia (rapid heart rate) Xerosis
   — Tammara R.

November 1, 2003
I agree with the other posters; get to your doctor. Blood work is the only way of finding out for sure. In the meantime, you could try drinking regular V8. My nutritionist says it can help up potassium levels. Hope this helps!
   — Soosan

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