Has anyone had the stomach flu post op?

I was just wondering if anyone had had the stomach flu post op (RNY) and if so, what happened. I have wondered about that many times, especially now that its flu season, and i live in a dorm. any input would be appreciated. Thanks, and GOd Bless    — Katrina K. (posted on November 24, 2003)

November 24, 2003
I got one from the person sitting next to me. They lost their cookies during dinner. 2 days later it was my turn:( Its the same as pre op, except if you throw up its very little and no acid. Much easier as a postie. Do guard against dehydration, that can be serious, if in doubt see your doc.
   — bob-haller

November 24, 2003
Yup Bob is soo right. No acid in the vomit. Much nicer than preop. And also right about the dehydration issue. I was told by my pcp to not eat or drink anything for about 1 to 2 hours after my last bout of vomiting to allow the muscles in the stomach to relax and rest. Then sip by teaspoonfuls a bit of warmish water in 10 minute intervals for the next hour or two. Then increase as I was comfortable. It helped a LOT! Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 24, 2003
I had a stomach flu a couple of weeks ago. No vomiting which is a shame since I have become such a pro at it. But I had wicked diarrhea. Would come on within an hour of a meal. In other words I had to stick close to home. I drank extra water to keep hydrated. I am at goal and lost 3 pounds over the weekend from it.
   — Charlene W.

November 24, 2003
I am not yet post op HOWEVER I am concerned with the flu as well. I got a flu shot a week and a half ago and my surgery is in 2 weeks so I am putting trust in that shot to keep me going strong through the winter months.
   — Angie Taylor

November 24, 2003
I had surgery on 5/16/03. Ended up with stomach flu the second week in July. It was the first time I had fell bad since surgery. I just just having waves of stomach cramps, didn't really feel like eating. Though I felt it was the flu I called my surgeon. He asked if I cold be constipated, and I said no. He gave me a couple of suggestions and then told me to call him if I wasn't better. So of course I decided to make sure I wasn't constipated. The Milk of Mag. bottle said to take 1-4 tbsp for an adult and stupid me I took 4 tbsp. Needless to say the next day I was one the throne all day. Then the vomiting started. I couldn't keep anything down. After talking with my surgeon again, I ended up in the emergency. Because of the diarrhea and not drinking my water I was dehydrated. My suggestion is when you start to feel ill you really need to concentrate on your liquids (water especially) so you don't get dehydrated, that and don't take a full dose of Milk of Mag. your first time :) I probably shared too much, but I hope this helps. - Janine
   — jmusser

November 24, 2003
Post-op vomiting is no where near as awful as pre-op. Although the stomach muscle pain is just as intense. I actually think I recovered quicker post-op but maybe I just had a mild case of it. Please keep in mind that the flu shot is not for the stomach flu, but for the cold-like type of flu. Don't fret it, you can't avoid it if you plan on being around anyone else and you'll be fine. Best wishes!
   — Diane S.

November 25, 2003
It wasn't the flu, but I had a terrible experience in Mexico about 6 months postop. I don't know WHAT I ate that caused it, but I had a very high fever and was busy going from both ends if you get my drift. It was terrible. I was on a mission trip at the time and had to go home early; my dh took me straight to the hospital and I ended up getting several bags of IV fluid as I was very dehydrated. Now when I travel overseas my doctor gives me antibiotics to take ahead of time to prevent such a reaction. It was awful and evidently we are pretty suseptible to such things. So with any intestinal problem or high fever make sure you get lots of liquids. hugs, Ann RNY 9/10/99 260/125
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 30, 2003
I had surgery five weeks ago. 3 days after coming home I developed the flu. It was rough, I just slept constantly but I started dehydrating quickly. Because I slept I wasn't getting in my fluids. Just make sure to take in the water. Felt terrible for four days but then much better. Nausea wasn't bad. surgery went extremely well, try not to worry ..if it happens you will be able to handle it. Just make sure to call your doctor immediately. Take care.
   — sheila F.

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