would like information on elevated liver test

Just received results of liver test for 6 month wls checkup. They were normal before surgery. My Alkaline Phos are 344u/l-normal is 47to 137 and my Gamma GT is 276u/l-normal is 5to 45. An ultrasound has been ordered. Has anybody else had this problem. Would be interested to hear from anybody on this as I am concerned. Please email me at [email protected] Thanks so much Sheri    — Sheri C. (posted on November 29, 2003)

November 29, 2003
My husband's GGT has been high also. The surgeon said maybe he should cut out his lipitor,but his PCP said not to discontinue that the GGT was still due to liver losing fat. PCP said bilirubin is a more important indicator. However, if your insurance covers the ultrasound go ahead and get it. Good luck. My husband's GGT has been high for at least 6 months and there are no problems.
   — Janis D.

November 29, 2003
pre-surgery I had tests come back with elevated results. Come to find out it was from some strong meds I was on two days before for a migrane headache. Had the test done a week later and all was normal. I was told that most any med can change the liver levels. Hopefully it is something as simple as that for you. Good luck!!!!
   — TheresaC

November 29, 2003
First thing to do is to run the labwork again to rule out any false positive results due to any medications you might have had. If they are still elevated I would highly recommend seeing a Gastroenterologist who specializes in the liver. Put him/her in the driver seat as to what to do next.
   — Sue A.

November 30, 2003
All the responses listed have been correct. It is important for all of us to monitor out liver and kidney function test. I work on a liver service and a number of gastric bypass patients have been coming in for liver failure. Know one knows that I have had this surgery. You can believe that I am keeping an eye on the developments of this. If you numbers remain up make sure that you get a referral to a specialist.
   — Marian B.

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