Stomach Stretching or enlarged stoma??

Hi, I'm glad to see the posts regarding the loss of fullness when eating and those who don't dump. I was just scanning the Q&A's, after being absent from this site for a couple of months, for the answer to the same question. I am 10 months post op and have gained 10 lbs since losing 100. I sure feel great but I am also worried since I don't dump from eating sugar and don't get a full feeling much anymore. I am worried that my stomach has stretched. I didn't think of the enlarged stoma problem. I have been really worried about my stomach stretching. Has anyone else had stomach stretching or heard of it happening. Am I right to be worried? Should I have an endoscopy performed to acertain the size of my stomach and stoma.? Believe it or not, I can handle the enlarged stoma, but am a little freaked about a stretched stomach. Regarding the non-dumping... I realize I have to cut out sugar all together. One bite is too many, 10 are not enough. I'm relieved to see I'm not the only one.    — Chandler P. (posted on February 5, 2004)

February 5, 2004
Your pouch wouldn't stretch unless you have been overeating. Only you know if you are. It is possible that you are just experiencing true hunger (which happens for many of us between the 6th and 8th month). If the hunger pains are distressing you, you might want to talk to someone about it-- it was that anxiety that prompted a few visits with a counsellor to resolve the anxiety the hunger was inducing. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

February 6, 2004
Chandler, the pouch (what you refer to as the stomach) does stretch over time as it is supposed to! We start out with anywhere from 1/2 oz to a few oz pouch and end up with a good 6-10 oz pouch after a year or more. Unless you are constantly overstuffing at every meal do not worry about a stretched pouch . An enlarged stoma is much worse. This is where food goes directly from the esophagus to the intestines and does not sit in the pouch at all therefore no full feeling at all. If you are getting a full feeling at all, then the food is stopping in the pouch. As for not dumping on sugar, welcome to the crowd. 30 percent or more have never dumped and even more of us have "retrained" our systems to no longer react/dump on sugar by introducing gradually larger amounts consistently into our systems. If you are one who cannot control the sugar intake, then a wise decision to eliminate it. Hows your working out? Heart pumping cardio on a regular basis will help burn those calories...
   — Cindy R.

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