Help! I am 2 yrs. post op and just had my yearly bloodwork done...

All was great, except my Triglycerides were pretty high - normal is under 150 and mine were 180 - my overall Cholesterol though was great - 177. My HDL and LDL were great also. The doctor told me to go on a low-fat diet, but since I eat mostly protein - which has a high level of fat in it - this is hard. I eat a lot of eggs, bacon, cheeses, etc. So, now what do I eat? I don't want to gain weight, and the "low-fat" diet, is mostly grains, breads, pasta, potatoes, veggies & fruit. Any suggestions? Thanks!    — michelle T. (posted on February 17, 2004)

February 16, 2004
Excerise will help your trigl levels as well. As far as protein/fat - Tuna! Fish, BAKED chicken (no skin) You could use 'egg' subsitute, and sub fat free cheese ...
   — star .

February 16, 2004
My husband (not a WLS patient) also has high triglycerides. His doctor told him to eat WAY less carbs such as breads, pasta, etc and to balance his protein intake with vegetables and fruits. In other words, if he has 10 grams protein, he should balance that with 20 grams veggie or fruit carbs. He also has to eat lean meats such as grilled chicken, lean beef, grilled fish, tuna, etc. He eats a lot of salads too. He also goes to an exercise class twice each week. So far he has dropped his triglyceride level by over 100 points. His doctor told him that the high levels were directly related to eating anything that converts very quickly to sugar.
   —  SCbabe B.

February 16, 2004
I'm 1 year post op (2/11/03) -111 pounds. Just had my 1 year bloodwork & my Triglycerides were 69/Cholesterol was 140/HDL 67/LDL 59. In fact everything was great. My 3 previous bloodwork ups were great too. I've been eating very healthy since surgery and upping protein to 80-90 grams a day. I don't understand where you get protein has a high level of fat! I eat the leanest of red meat (ground sirlon) 4-5 times weekly adding seafood the other days. I get much of nothing in the way of fat.I can see you getting high fat with bacon. I don't eat bread/rice/potatoes/pasta. I do eat good green leafy lettuce/etc./eggs and fruit. I mix pinto beans with string cheese in my ground sirlon. I also, add 1 protein drink everyday. There are plenty of good food choices out there. I also exercise daily up to 3 hrs a day. This has been so easy and rewarding for me thus far. Good Luck!
   — Hazel S.

February 17, 2004
Just eat leaner meats like chicken fish and turkey. Cottage cheese is good. There's plenty of good protein choices out there.
   — mrsmyranow

February 17, 2004
We only use ground turkey, instead of ground beef, and fat free lunchmeats, low fat or fat free cottage cheese, egg beaters instead of eggs and low-fat cheese. We also eat a lot of dried beans and leafy veggies. <br><Br>I had acute necrotizing pancreatitis with triglycerides of 6600- that's not a typo- so I have to cut out fat entirely- and it is do-able while getting in the protein neccessary for post-op WLS.
   — kultgirl

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