What could be the cause of this diarrhea?

I have been having diarrhea and I mean sometimes i do not make it to the bathroom. When it decides to come I have no control over it. I do not mean to be gross but sometimes I wipe and I wonder if it is coming also from my front also. This is happening more and more often. Could this be a rectocele problem? Has anyone had similar problems? Thanks for your answers.    — cindylou56 (posted on March 28, 2004)

March 28, 2004
Is this new to you? Or has this been ongoing since surgery? I had this issue for the first several months post op, but it has eased up over the last year or so. I will say this though, when I eat too much sugar or fat it will affect the 'outcome'. :)
   — RebeccaP

March 28, 2004
If you think it could be a rectocele you should talk to your doctor ASAP.
   — catleth

March 28, 2004
You should definitely talk to your doctor about this if it has been going on for more than a few days. You can get seriously dehydrated if it happens several times per day. I know that for me, anything with sugar alcohols in it will cause that for me. It'w quick and it's nasty so I stay away from all the sugar free stuff that is sweetened with anything other than splenda.
   —  SCbabe B.

March 29, 2004
It could be from lots of things, something you ate that disagreed with your system (I've had this), irritable bowel syndrome, chrohns disease or any number of things. If it doesn't clear up in a few days on its own, see your doctor.
   — Cindy R.

March 29, 2004
I had this problem for about a month after my RNY. I couldn't understand it. I would never make it to the bathroom. It got so I was afraid to leave the house. I started wearing maxi pads! I didn't think it could be dairy (you know how they say us RNYers can become lactose intolerant?) because I was drinking only the lactose free stuff. Well guess what, the diarrhea stopped when I stopped drinking the lactose free milk, and having pudding made from the lactose free milk and the protein drinks. The dr. never did figure it out, he had me tested for parasites. So if you are eating dairy you might try stopping and see what happens. 6 months out I can eat dairy now with no problems. But I would definetely tell your Dr. what was going on to be on the safe side.
   — Rebecca Johnson

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