Has anyone experienced vomiting with just about everything they eat?

I have a friend that has had the surgery 1 1/2 years ago and she still vomits everything she eats, I have told her this is not normal but she does not listen, very stubborn, Help if you have any answers!    — Debbie C (posted on April 12, 2004)

April 12, 2004
Hi, Well she needs to go to see her surgeon about this, but if she is stubborn than anything you tell her probably won't matter. Anyway, if she hasn't had any tests done to see what the problem is than that is what she needs to have done, I had this problem for awhile after surgery and after running some tests, come to find out I had acid reflux after surgery that was making me throw up constantly, so my surgeon put me on nexium, and everything now stays down pretty well and the nexium has worked wonderfully for me. So that may be it or soemthing else is going on, I am surprised her surgeon hasn't picked up on that she vomits everything she eats, or unless she just does not tell him, that could hurt her in the long run if she is not getting in her daily food intake, plus calories and nutrients too! But, if she does not listen to you , then she won't get the help until she is ready! Good Lcuk with helping her!
   — Melodee S.

April 12, 2004
I have that sometimes but its just when I eat 1 or 2 bites to many Is she over eating? If not then she does need to go to her dr to find out what is wrong. Take Care Huggs Beth
   — wildbrat

April 12, 2004
My sister had this problem.... It was a stricture and all she had was it dialated and now she is fine. Hope your friend gets help from her doctor on this!
   — SMG I.

April 12, 2004
It sounds like your friend likes to be sick or likes the attention it gives her. Maybe she thinks this is a way of staying slim, by tossing her cookies everytime she eats. If you have told her over and over give it up. She is only hurting herself and her stomach. Vomited everyday is not good for your stomach, throat, or teeth. The acid from the stomach will damage her teeth, throat and stomach. Hey! but you have already told her that. Let her figure it out when her teeth start to rot!
   — Linda R.

April 12, 2004
This is assuming she is not doing it intentionally... As someone 2 years out and who gets sick frequently, I can sympathize with your friend. And I have pretty much zero support from my peer group on this, because few people have the same problem. I love them dearly, but they don't have the same problem... just as I don't have some of the same problems they have. <br><br> Some of us simply are not going to be able to eat as much post-op, and dump easily. Some days it is a blessing, but most it is a curse. It keeps me incredibly disciplined, when I know I might not have the willpower otherwise. <br><br> But, unless you have a couple of initials after your name (like MD or RN), there is little chance your friend will listen to you. No offense, but if someone kept constantly nagging <i>me</i> about my eating, I would go nuts. Just like we probably all did before surgery when people told us that we could lose the weight if we could just put our minds to it. It's like telling someone that they're obese. Hello? Gosh - I didn't notice! :) <br><br> She knows she is having this problem. When she is ready, she'll get some help. It's great that you love your friend enough to care, but no amount of nagging will change things. Be a great friend by being the one person who is not on her back, and understands how tough and complicated post-op life is.
   — kultgirl

April 13, 2004
I do have RN after my name. As mentioned before, this could be from eating too fast or even eating 1 or 2 bites too many. HOWEVER, it may be a stricture. That is not uncommon. Your friend really needs to see the surgeon. If it is a stricture, that is very easy to fix and usually only has to be done 1 time. They will put a scope down her throat and inflate a small balloon to increase site. She would be able to eat regular foods that afternoon, or at least the next day. You need to really encourage your friend to go to the surgeon, be persistant!!!!
   — drum_mer1

April 17, 2004
Hello I am just giving my story for your thoughts. I am 1 year 4months post-op. I throw up on most everything and have since I had the surgery. My surgeon blamed it on me not chewing enough or eating too much. this wasn't the case. I now have a nutrition tube and get my nutrition at night via a pump. To make matters worse most surgeons will not see me because they didn't do the surgery. I found out the due to having a vagotomy I have a complication where my pouch does not empty. So I just want to say that I was so hurt by the surgeon's attitude that is was my fault. I had enough shame before I when I was obese. As for seeing a doctor, maybe she has. I would have liked a friend to listen and be supportive of me the most.
   — Jencastle

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