Hair Loss.when does it stop?

I'm 4 months post op and my hair is falling out in handfulls..its really scary and upsetting. I started taking biotin and extra zinc along with my regular multi vitamin, think it will help?    — Janice C. (posted on June 10, 2004)

June 9, 2004
Hi there! I'm about six months post op and I've been losing my hair for about 6 weeks now. EVERY day in the shower drain there's enough to make a hamster!! I'm told that all the extra vitamins and stuff in the world won't really help, that it just has to run its course and it will stop eventually (and I haven't heard yet of anyone going bald from this!). Just make sure you take the vitamins you're supposed to (we take a supplemental A&D daily) and you should be fine! I researched Hair Loss in the Q&A Archives and it seems some people say zinc helped, some people did Rogaine, but most people say it just stops. GOOD LUCK with your journey!
   — ScottieB86

June 9, 2004
my fallout is the exception. I am 14 montbhs post op and still losing hair. Nothing helps and the doc said all that stuff is a waste of money. For most people, it stops about six-eight months post op. Good news!!!!!! for most people it does grow back. I do have some new hair growth and it is curly now.
   — Delores S.

June 9, 2004
My loss lasted about 3 months, which seems to be average. It was from months 3 to 6. It is truly disturbing to see all that hair falling out, so I know what you mean. Hang in there. There really isn't anything you can do except keep up your regular supplements and keep up your protein. Your body will work it out in due course. Hang in there!

June 9, 2004
I had surgery in September 2003. I lost hair from the end of December until about the first of April, pretty much the average, from what I hear. I don't think there's a whole lot you can take, apply, etc., that will help, unfortunately. Just bear with it, it will stop in about 100 days, and you'll start to see new hair growing in. My hair is long, but now, around the hairline, I have a bunch of short, wispy hair growing in. It looks a little strange, but it's much better than the "fall-out."
   — Carlita

June 9, 2004
My fell out from Sept through April. It fell out in massive gobs from November through April, then it pretty much stopped. I had my sugery April 2003.
   — M B.

June 10, 2004
I had my nonadjustable band on December 17, 2003. My hair started falling out by the handfuls in April. It still is falling out constantly. My hair is long, down to my waist.. so it is VERY annoying because it gets wrapped around everything and I find it all wadded up in gross little crispy wads in my dryer or worse yet, stuck to my clean clothes. I get out of the shower and step onto the bath mat, which is kind of shaggy, and I get dozens of LONG hairs all tangled up between my toes.. it feels horrible. Sure hope it stops soon, because I can Really reallly tell the difference when I go to put my hair in a pony tail. I used to wrap the scrunchies twice now I can wrap them four times!! I doubt anything will help. I am told it is from the anesthesia.. I figured it was from the nutrition change. Not sure which is right.
   — Paula R.

June 10, 2004
It does stop. Mine started at 3 months, stopped at 5 months. I was SERIOUSLY going bald...even had some very visable bald spots. There really is nothing you can do to help it. But the good news is, it stops eventually (usually around 2-3 months) and the hair grows back. PS Keep taking the Biotin...once the hair loss stops, this stuff will make your nails grow like crazy!
   — Renee B.

June 10, 2004
I had surgery 1/8/01 and I had serious hair loss from months 2-8. I literally lost 75% of my hair. Now, fortunately I had sooooooo much hair to start with. Pre-op my hair was my "trademark". I was known for my thick long hair. Deep down I knew that this loss must run its course, but I went to many doctors looking for help. (gyn, pcp, derm, endocrinologist). They could offer no help or solution, other than time. I used the nioxin hair products mainly because I loved the way it made my hair look and feel. I knew it wouldn't really help the loss, but it made me feel like I was doing SOMETHING. Well, I am happy to report that my hair loss reversed itself. I am now 3 1/2 years post op. My hair is as thick as ever and actually has more body. Pre-op I needed perms because the humidity would make my hair poker straight. I have not had a perm for 4 years. While my hair is definitely not curly, it has acquired a little wave and definitely more body. I really like my thick hair again. So, I can definitely relate to the panicky feeling when your hair is literally coming out by the hands full. But, please know it does get better. My hair has been rebounding since about 10 months post op and gradually improved over the next year. Good luck to you! Shelley
   — Shelley.

June 10, 2004
I agree with Renee on the biotin.......I've never been able to grow nails before and now they look great. They are strong and resilient and I'm loving that because I had gotten very tired of the artificial nails.
   — scbabe

June 10, 2004
Mine did too and yes it was scarey . . . I used the Nexxus Vitatress Pack with Shampoo, conditioner and biotin supplement. Within two weeks it stopped! Good Luck . . . Michele :) RNY 6/6/03 110
   — Michele D.

June 10, 2004
Just when it started growing back, I had plastic surgery, now it is starting to fall out again.
   — Connie M.

June 10, 2004
I am 4 months post-op too. My hair is coming out by the handful. I've heard different reasons why like not getting enough protein. The same thing happened the last time that I successfully dieted and lost a lot of weight quickly. I wonder if the hair loss happens because of that (losing a lot of weight so fast). My hair was thick, but I'm starting to tell it's thinning. UGH! I've purchased the Biotin. I hope it stops soon!
   — tammyelkins

June 10, 2004
I am 9 weeks post op and so far Have not had any hair loss. But I was told preop to mach sure you get enough protein to avoid hair loss. You need to be getting around 75 mg of protein a day. Hair is protein and if you do not get enough it will fall out. Monitor your protein and make sure you are getting enough. Increase your protein and you will likely see less hair loss.
   — mary M.

June 11, 2004
Hi Janice...the way the doctor explained it to me is this...when we start losing weight rapidly, the body goes into starvation mode, drawing protein from wherever it can find and nails being a great source. When it draws protein from our hair shafts, it causes each shaft to 'thin' during that starvation time (one month, two months?), the section of hair that grew from our scalps during that time, say 1/2" or 1", is thinner than the rest of the strands...thus, weaker, breaking easily...while shampooing, brushing, even tossing around on a pillow. He also told me that there is nothing we can ingest that will help...I'm sure others may disagree, for me, I'm still waiting. :)
   — Dj _.

June 11, 2004
i'm out 13 mos, and it started about month 4 and just now stopped. i started with a very full head of hair and now have about half of it. on the bright side, my head isn't as heavy :). realy, the only thing that will help is time, and getting your protien in. if i go a few days and not get enough in, it starts comming out a little, but nothing at all like the handfulls that came out before. it eventualy does get better. good luck and god bless!! 13 mos down 102 lbs
   — mellyhudel

June 11, 2004 hair started to fall out about 3 months post op and I'm currently at 5 months post op and it's going strong. I get enough out of the bathtub drain each day to make a wig in a week. It's unbelievable that you can lose so much and still have hair on your head. My hair is very thin on top now but it's also very long. I've wondered if cutting it would keep me from losing so much because the weight of the hair would lessen, but the doctor says this happens and to just wait it out and the further out from surgery I get, the less hair I'll lose. Well, DUH...I won't have as much to lose THEN!! LOL Sorry, couldn't resist that little joke. I know it's distressing, because I'm there, but it's worth it all to me even if I end up slick bald in the end. Hope this helps...Kathy
   — Katherine F.

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