Has this happened to anyone else? uncontrlled diarrea:(

Hello, I am 13 months post op and down 125lbs. I have been having bouts of diarhea bad. When it hits there is no controlling it. I can not make it to the bathroom. I can not pinpoint it on any certain food. It doesn't happen as soon as I eat. It may be the next morning. I have tried immodium and it doesn't work. This is so embarrassing , especially when I am at work. Is there anything I could take for this. Oh and by the way I had my gallbladder removed in 1975. Thank you for you reply.    — cindylou56 (posted on August 25, 2004)

August 25, 2004
I know what your going through and how you feel. It happens to me every now and again. Yes its very embarrassing, Ive made such a mess once that I cried and cried,, it was awful.. I noticed that it will also happen for me even when Im eating the right stuff. Its like my body goes through its fazes. Good luck,,
   — Amy Hoffman

August 25, 2004
I have the problem if I eat ANYTHING with malitol in it....just cannot handle the sugar alcohols. Haven't had any problem with anything else. Hope you get better.
   — scbabe

August 25, 2004
Have you called your doctor? I was prescribed Lomotil and it worked wonders for me and mine was SEVERE. There are other prescription medications out there that might help. It sounds like it is not a one-time thing, so you probably need medical help. HTH. Nina in Maine
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 25, 2004
I've had a lot of trouble with this. It doesn't seem diet related. My surgeon says that how the bowel reactes post surgery can differ a lot from person to person. I take metamucil - the wafers, not the powder, they come 2 in a pack and I have them every other day. I also take an Immodium every other day. It isn't a perfect cure, but it has helped a lot. Good luck, I know how miserable this can be!
   — mriley

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