Since the last post has anyone heard of a simple procedure for an enlarged stoma?

I was told by my surgeon that a procedure was being done somewhere in Maine or Vermont. He told me to wait until they tried it here to see if it would be effective. It would be done by a gastro doc and an endoscope would be used. Somehow they would inject something to make scar tissue. It was tried here but wasn't nixed. I'm waiting to hear about something that will come along. In western MA.    — g2bred (posted on October 4, 2004)

October 3, 2004
From what I understand It wasnt very sucessful. Talk with your doctor about having the lapband put on. That was what was done with me for my non functional stoma; works just fine.
   — star .

October 4, 2004
Dr. Carlos Barba in Hartford, Commecticut has been working with injecting a sclerosing agent into the stoma & said it is successful about 50% of the time. He is very very nice. He said it is not difficult to do & he will talk to your surgeon if you want him to, to save you the trip. Dr. Chris Thompson is a bariatric endoscopist at Brigham and Women's in Boston. He is extraordianry - a truly helpful human being. He has been working since July of 2003 with a combination of things; in some instances injecting a sclerosing agent, but more often suturing the stoma. He can repair fistulas, or staple line disruptions, endoscopically as well, which is much simpler than having to go through a revision. I do need to add that the work of both of these doctors is considered experimental, yet both these procedures have a far lower complication rate than a surgical revision.
   — Suzanna M.

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