2 Questions Hair Loss Again and Red Belly Button - Hernia?

I started losing my hair again this past month, my hair was finally looking full and nice. I don't know what I'm doing different for this to occur. Secondly once in a while my belly button get really red and my stomach around the belly button hurts, does this mean I have a hernia?    — Deborah M. (posted on October 25, 2004)

October 25, 2004
Regarding the hair loss- the effects of deficiency take a while to rear their ugly head... so you could be feeling things from 3 months ago. How are your labs?<br><br> Belly button: Before my belt lipectomy, I would get frequent yeast infections that would travel to my belly button, no matter how much I took care of that area. Are you having any kind of discharge? <br> I would not rule out anything until you see a doc, but it doesn't <i>sound</i> like a hernia to me... I had a 9" hernia and that was not a symptom. <br> We couldn't keep my belly button during the belt, so definitely no more problems :)
   — kultgirl

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