Why does my old part of my stomach RNY feel full when I eat?

I'm 9 1/2 months out and when I eat and get full it's the old part of the stomach that feels full. Whats up? Also my tailbone is extremely tender to the touch. Can this be from the weight out my sagging tummy skin? Last is I've only lost 10lbs. in the last 2 1/2 months. What can I do to get this last 11lbs off? Thanks!    — lharrup (posted on January 10, 2005)

January 10, 2005
My question is, how can you tell its your old stomach thats full? I don't the skin weight would be making your tailbone so sore. Maybe you have a cyst or something there? You are still losing more than me. I am nearly 9 months out and only lost about 2 pounds last month.
   — Dedicated

January 10, 2005
It's lower in my abdomin that I feel full at when I eat rather then near my ribcage.
   — lharrup

January 10, 2005
I wonder if you feel full in the "old part" of your stomach because of the nerves that tell your brain you are full. It's kind of like amputees who can still feel the foot or leg that was amputated.
   — Kara J.

January 10, 2005
You could be experiencing some bloating, gas, etc. in your lower abdomen. Your food would not be traveling up into the old stomach.<br> Are you eating gas-producing foods that are more difficult for us to digest (raw brocolli, for example), lots of sugar alcohols, or milk? If gas is getting trapped in the lower abdomen that could account for some of the pain. I would consider getting checked out when you are experiencing some of the worst symptoms.<br> If you look at the image on this link:<br> <br> you'll see that your "old" stomach is not in your lower abdomen... it's on the other side of your ribcage, and higher than one might think. However, your intenstines are in the lower abdomen.<br> Hope this helps,<br> shelli
   — kultgirl

January 10, 2005
I have the same problem, and the only thing that helps in going to the chiroprator for adjustments. He said it's because when I was over weight, my spine curved and my tail bone was flipping outwards instead of inward as it should for 20years. Now that I'm losing more and more weight my spine still thinks it has to be curved, which it does not. I have to use a dounut pillow on hard benches etc... But the adjustments help me alot. Good luck !! thats what I get for not exerciseing all my life while fat!
   — CONNIE L.

January 10, 2005
I am having the same problems. My tailbone is soooo sore! I wonder if it has anything to do with us not having as much "cushion" there anymore! lol I feel full in the lower area of my is odd...I would love to know what the cause is. You are doing great though! Keep up the good work!
   — Tracy D.

January 11, 2005
Thank you all for your replies. I'm usually just a lurker and try to wait around for my questions to come along but this time I got tired of waiting. I want a donut(Pillow)! Thanks again.
   — lharrup

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