HELP! My butt is GONE!

I had LBL last week after a 130 lb. weight loss. The flat tummy is wonderful, however, my butt is just as flat! Most of my moms family is "flat-butted", so this isn't surprising. I'm not interested in implants, so is there any exercises or something besided padded underwear that will help? Also, Do you know any good places to buy padded underwear? It almost looks disfigured.    — Denise B. (posted on January 16, 2005)

January 16, 2005
"Almost looks disfigured"--that sounds very familiar! Someone I know very well went through the same experience. Following her lower-body lift, she looked like a capital letter "J" in the back. Thought she'd never be able to wear pants again. Actually bought an "enhancer," was horrified, sent it back. And then, gradually, a curve in the lower back and a recognizable backside reappeared (without weight gain). Was much relieved.
   — Virginia N.

January 16, 2005
I go to the JC Penny store to the catalog dept and have them order mine. They are 28. and look really nice. They hold the shape and do not flatten out. Really makes your pants look nice. They don't carry them in the store you have to order them. You can also order from jc penny online. I think you search under foundations or maybe it's briefs. they have pictures. The only thing, I think they are supposed to be hand washed and i accidently threw a pair of mine in the washer and ruined it. But, they do not look artificial at all and if you didn't tell, no one would know.
   — Delores S.

January 16, 2005
I remember that flat butt so well immediately after surgery. In fact, I thought it looked a little like a monkey-butt. I'm one year post-op lower body lift and, over the months, it eventually falls back into place and looks awesome (if I must say so myself). My husband was originally a little concerned too but he admires me now in my two piece swimsuit. Time heals all those problems that seem like such an immediate worry. Enjoy the process and you'll look like a million bucks in no time!
   — Vicki S.

January 16, 2005
I had the same thing w/ my LBL in September and it is already rounding back out a little. I have been exercising on a machine called the Precor cross ramp and it has a gluteal mode I have been doing almost daily since early November. I have to say I am very happy, altho the flat butt was ok after having a really big one for so many years. It is getting nicer day by day.
   — **willow**

January 16, 2005
I don't mean to be critical, but what's the thing about wanting a butt. I guess I never had one so I don't miss it now. When I was a pre-op, my pants were always baggy because the size was always so big to go around my belly that no butt could ever fill that space. Now I am flat as a board,pants fit a bit better, and don't mind at all. I guess it's personal preference???
   — Fixnmyself

January 16, 2005
I have to laugh because I remember the exact same reaction when I looked at myself sideways in the mirror two days after surgery. MY butt was gone!! It's still not much there and over time I've gotten more used to it. What I do have has dropped, which is a bummer but because I had so much volume left in my legs it kept pulling everything down. Hopefully it will stop now that I've had the medial thigh lift and a bunch of the leg weight is gone. I got a quote from the surgeon last week to redo the lateral thigh lift, which would include the butt also. He's willing to do all his work for $500 but I have to pay the surgery center which is about $1500. It will likely be fall before I can even consider it. Don't have the money now. What you will find if you look, is that a small flat butt is not that uncommon in the world. My husband noticed that after I kept complaining about my lack of butt. Fortunately I've gotten used to sitting on the butt bones and in most cases it's okay.
   — zoedogcbr

January 17, 2005
I'm not there yet..only 3 months I am wondering why is she complaining? I can hardly wait for my butt to go away. Your butt must REALLY be gone..I hope you get what you want. When I lose my butt, I may feel the same way, just not now.
   — debi327

January 17, 2005
Hi Denise, I know how you feel about the "butt" thing. I would like my butt to get just a little bit smaller but I don't want to lose it either. I heard that doing squats helps to build up the muscles in the butt. You hold on to the back of a chair and do repititions of squats. Maybe some one could add and let you know how many repititions. I like your post and it gives me hope concerning my big stomach. How in the world do people develop big stomachs and never had children??? This is the biggest my gut has been. It's not humungus but big enough!! (smile) Beverly
   — Msfavordiva

January 17, 2005
I had the same problem about 20 years ago after a crash diet -- I lost 85 lbs in less than 6 months. I really starved myself and felt terrible. Gloria Vanderbelt jeans were just "it" and I looked so bad in them---no butt just flatter than a pancake and had a flabby gut. Before WLS I gained about 145 lbs back. About 6 months after surgery I started exercising (after I lost my first 85 lbs), I did a lot of cardo --walking, stair climbing, elliptical and weight training. I lost 135 total and now I am running and I HAVE A BUTT and its not flat! I am so happy because its not saggy either in fact its probably one of the best looking parts of my bod. I wish I could say that for my arms, stomach and thighs! For me exercise has really worked and I think it might be because I do alot of vitamins and try to follow all the WLS rules. My problem is ---I'm a grazer and it so hard sometimes as a 2 year post op. Good luck to you and be proud you've done a great job!
   — debmi

January 17, 2005
I never had a huge one to start and then it was almost an indent where there shoulda been a butt. But you know, after 3 yrs, I was slipping into my fave jeans and...... I didn't slip. I was horrified. Didn't weigh more, didn't lok heavier. One by one, I put aside jeans. Then I decided to pass them on and decided to try ONE MORE TIME. So, I wiggled and squirmed and voila, they fit just fine. Having always been a buttless wonder, I never had the experience of working to get into things only to have them fit ok once on. I refer to it as Butt Be Back, and you may never have a really curvy one, but it does not stay totally flat forever.
   — vitalady

January 18, 2005
I've been told that cycling is good for building up the butt muscles. Running makes the hips smaller, biking grows the gluts. I read this on a running/triathlon website. I've also never seen a person really into cycling NOT have a cute round butt. It takes a little while, though.
   — Linn D.

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