I continue to have adhesions growing in my stomach connection- How can it be fixed?

I've already had 5 endoscopys with dialation from my esophogus to my stomach and finally, had to have my whole surgery revised and re-connected because of scar tissue. Four months later, the dry heaves are beginning again. Any idea as to how to stop scar tissue from forming? Will I need to get this surgery reversed? Will reversing it only add more scar tissue? Can anything be done?    — SwissBeauty (posted on April 3, 2005)

April 3, 2005
These are the kind of questions you should be asking from a medical professional. If your surgeon is not helping you then I would find another surgeon and seek help. I am sorry to hear that you are going through this.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 4, 2005
Hi Jo, Sorry you are going thru this. Adhesions are oneo f those things you really can't prevent. The doctor can go in surgically and cut them loose, but some people seem to be prone to them. Have you tried a web search on adhesions? Maybe you can find something, but I really don't think so. Sorry I can't offer more. Good luck. Cathy
   — catleth

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