Has anyone who had been diognised with fibromyalgia had RNY- did it help?

   — David H. (posted on April 19, 1999)

April 18, 1999
Somewhere on on the ossg list there was a lady that had surgery for this reason. As I remember it greatly helped her condition as she said the extra weight only made her worse.I have a friend with your disease and I wish she would have a RNY I know it would help her as she weighs about 400 lbs.....
   — JAN C.

April 18, 1999
Though I don't personally have a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, I have seen several posts like yours on [email protected]. It is a mailing list of about 700 people who have either had or want to have weight loss surgery. If you'd like to subscribe, go to and search for ossg, which stands for obesity surgery support group. It is a high volume list, generates probably between 50 to 100 emails per day but it is well worth it. Best of luck to you all... Eva
   — Eva S.

May 11, 1999
I have fibromyalgia as well as narcolepsy and am considering the surgery. Part of the reason is that both my disorders carry an associated weight gain in many people, and the extra weight does impact my energy level. I had been going to an FMS specialist who did not believe I was following a diet. He refused to prescribe Imitrex for my migraines because he said anyone as fat as I was deserved to be in pain. I no longer see him for treatment and found a more compassionate doctor. I'm hoping that if I get back towards what is considered a normal weight, then people will quit assuming that I am lazy just because of the weight. So feeling better emotionally will help me feel better physically. The lower weight should put less pressure on your joints; I'm hoping to lose substantial amounts in my bust and abdomen and believe this will help my back and neck pain a lot.
   — Joyce L.

June 17, 1999
I have fibromyalgia and am now considering this surgery. Fibromaygia gets you into a vicious cycle since it causes you to gain weight because you can't exercise, and then the weight compounds the problem. I think about it this way. I am about 130 pounds overweight. I think about how much it hurts to pick up something that weighs 25 pounds. Now imagine carrying 5 of those things around all the time. Your pain probably wouldn't go away completely if you lost your excess weight, but it would probably be manageable. For me, it's like I'm not only supporting myself, but giving another person a piggy-back all day long. Of course the Fibromyalgia will get better if you lose weight. You have nothing (and everything) to lose by trying :)
   — blank first name B.

August 14, 1999
I have FM and had the surgery last Feb/99. I have only lost 40lbs but have been feeling much better since the surgery. It helped me to sleep better right away and that is a big part of FM symptoms. So feel free to write to me and discuss FM
   — carole R.

December 9, 2004
YES..I had OPEN RNY and had fibromyalgia prior to surgery. I asked the surgeon ahead of time if it would help my symptoms and he said he couldn't say that it would. BUT I sleep much better and so in turn I feel better. My pain medication is down to nil now. I am able to walk now..before I could hardly do anything. I know not everyone is the same, but it is possible that it will get better or should I say bearable.
   — debi327

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