I suffer from severe stress incontinence.

Presently, I use Poise pads and can hold my urine for a long time. I know when I lose weight, I cannot get to the bathroom on time. I don't mind wearing larger pads or diapers for a time period, but for 2 years??? Has this been a problem for anyone else, and how did you deal with it. (I 'welcome' the problem!)    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 28, 1999)

May 28, 1999
Stress incontinence is actually considered one of the co-morbities of morbid obesity. I had it, not severe but enough to be an embarrassment. It is completely gone now that I have lost 100 pounds. Of course drinking 2 1/2 liters of water a day I am still constantly looking for a bathroom.
   — dboat

May 29, 1999
i too have incontinence and i also wear poise pads. i'm 48 and have been wearing pads since i was 40. i have noticed since surgery this problem has decreased considerably. on some days i don't need one at all. but i wear it anyway for confidence and general clean feeling. i feel funny without them on. i think the more i lose, the problem will decrease even more. but they are now talking about doing bladder surgery on me at the same time as i have the pannalectomy because i get frequent infections.
   — Linda O.

May 29, 1999
Hi! I suffered from incontinence for a few embarrassed to tell anyone. Finally I confided in a friend who is also a doctor and he prescribed for me Imipramine 50mg..I'm to take 1-3 tabs at 6pm each day. It took about 3 months but now I no longer have to scout out the closest bathroom when I go somewhere. I average 2 a one day...then alternate with one...then back to 2. WLS didn't help with this problem. But the pills work great.
   — Ben R.

May 30, 1999
I also had stress incontience but it disappeared after surgery. The weight loss has stopped the problem. My surgery was on April 1 99.
   — Anna D.

June 1, 1999
Hi: I also had stress incontenience but I left the hospital after surgery without a pad for the first time in years. Have had no problem since the surgery. Do not know if you have had the surgery or not. Could you share that information? Proastro
   — Veronica M. B.

June 1, 1999
Stress incontinence is actually one of the co-morbidities of morbid obesity. So it may work in your favor down the road with the insurance company. I had it before surgery, but have had no problems with it since.
   — dboat

April 17, 2001
*just a comment* I am so glad to hear that inconsistence disappears after surgery. I've had this problem for two years and wear pads also. Even though I am only 30, I feel it's necessary to wear the poise pads because of a cough and sneeze - and you get the picture.
   — Jennifer C.

August 13, 2001
I have had severe stress incontinence for years. So badly that I took diapers to the hospital. Well, after surgery I had no trouble. The muscles were so tight because of the surgery that it was difficult at first for me to even go. I have lost 25 lbs since July 24th, my surgery date, and the stress incontinence has improved to the point where I no longer need Poise pads but I do were the Ultra thin Kotex for a security feeling.
   — Marie K.

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