Do you love this site? Help make it even better!

I love this web site. I think it is the best place on the web to learn about weight loss surgery and get support from other people just like me. That's why I contacted Eric and asked him what I can do to help keep this site running, and to help make it even better. Did you know that Eric designs and operates this site completely out of the kindness of his heart? He does not get paid for his work, and he is not even obese! One of the best things we can each do to help Eric is to send a letter to our own surgeon telling him/her about this site and encouraging him/her to visit this site and make contributions of both medical knowledge and money. For that matter, each one of us could make a cash donation to the operation of this site as well. After the start of the new year, your donation will be tax deductible too. Please, think about helping out in whatever way you can.    — Lynn K. (posted on December 10, 1999)

December 11, 1999
I sent a letter to my surgeon telling him about this great web site, encouraging him to come visit us here, and also asking him to make a financial contribution to the operation of this site. If you want to see a "sample-letter" to help you write a letter to your own surgeon, e-mail me, and I will be happy to send it to you.
   — Lynn K.

December 13, 1999
There are probably two hundred or more members of this group who have web sites of their own. I want to encourage every one of those people to put a link to somewhere on their own web site. The more links to this site there are, the more likely web surfers out there looking for help will be able to find this site.
   — Lynn K.

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