All that wanted to see pictures of my Panniculectomy check out my web page. Please visit my guess book.    — Patricia B. (posted on January 23, 2000)

January 23, 2000
Patricia You are so beautiful!! Its a rare gift to have people such as yourself be so open, honest and available. It took alot of hard work and pain to get where you are -- and I was naive to think that I'd have one surgery, get thin, and be on my merry way. Thanks for 'reality'.
   — Toni B.

January 24, 2000
Patricia, For some reason I have not been able to access your web page. I am going to And angelfire sayd that it does not reconize it. I have webtv perhaps that could be the problem.
   — STAR W.

January 24, 2000
Well, I have always had the plan that after I get close to goal, I would check into have a pann done. Not anymore. Thank you for making my choice so much easier. I could never go thru what you must have gone thru and I can't imagine the pain. Congratulations on being so strong!!! Good luck!
   — Anne C.

January 24, 2000
Patricia, did the same surgeon who performed your WLS do the panniculectomy or did you use someone certified by ASPS? Just wondering, because I have seen other pictures on the Internet that an ASPS surgeon performed. To MDs and others who may know, is there anyway to avoid the tummy tuck through diet and exercise? Any way to avoid a second surgery?
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 24, 2000
Hi Patricia: I just came from visiting your website. OOWWWW! I was thinking of having a panni at some point, but now I see it in a new light. Would you do it again? Thanks for posting such informative pictures and for being so honest about your surgery.
   — Jaye C.

January 5, 2003
Hi...I can't get into your web sight to see your picture of your panniculectionmy. Do you have a differant web address now? I would love like to see the picture because I am thinking out having one myself. Thank you!!
   — LMBeaton

January 5, 2003
MODERATORS DO NOT POST I dont know who posted this question but Patricia Berger died a few months should try and remove this question
   — Debbie M.

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