Is an Endoscopy painful ?

I'm having an Endoscopy on Wednesday and I want to know what to expect. Is it uncomfortable, painful, or neither....because I'll be so sedated that I won't know what's going on?    — PrettyHotAndTempting (posted on May 8, 2000)

May 8, 2000
Hey Philly Girl, It depends on what kind of endoscopic procedure you are having. Most of the time, the doctor will give a medicine called Versed that makes you very sedate and makes you forget everything that happens. It is not a painful procedure, it would probably just freak you out if you were alert. Hope this helps!
   — Laura P.

May 8, 2000
I had an endoscopy several years ago. I was scared to death. They gave me a combination of demerol and valium, and I asked the orderly when they were going to get on with the show. He said, "We just did it - it's over." No pain at all and boy was I stoned.
   — Margaret M.

May 8, 2000
I have had about six Endoscopies in the last ten years. The most uncomfortable part of the procedure is the local anastetic they spray into the back of your throat and have you swallow (tastes yucky). After you do this, they lay your down and that is the last you remember till it is over. I have experienced a sore throat once. Usually after a couple of hours I am fine.
   — dkkelder

May 8, 2000
I have had two within the last 6 months... I was pretty worried about the initial first one... but my dr. gives demerol, and then also a small dose of amnesia drug, along with this nasty stuff you will need to gargle at the back of your mouth... that was the worst part! both times were very quick and then it's over. Make sure you have someone to drive you home, and don't plan to go back to work that same day afterwards... cause you will be pretty doped up the rest of the day.
   — Jamie T.

May 8, 2000
I'd rather have an EGD than a mamogram! I've had about 4 (pre-WLS). You're out of it and feel nothing. An occasional sore throat hours later. You'll be disappointed that you got all worked up over this. They usually give you juice and cookies afterwards -- call ahead and make sure they have something you can eat!
   — Toni B.

May 8, 2000
I am an endoscopy nurse in Cleveland, Oh. Endoscopy is not painful. Most people don't remember the procedure because of the medication they receive. I have had An EGD done myself and it was very simple.
   — Lisa G.

May 12, 2000
If you are referring to an esophagogastroduodenoscopy, I have had a few of them. They are cake. You are sedated. You have to swallow a tube. Your throat will hurt for a while, not bad. The procedure does not take very long. I also had anstomosis stretched with balloon. Did not feel a thing. You cannot drive home because of meds. Also, my dr. gave me demerol, probably explains why I did not feel anything. LOL Beth.
   — Elizabeth H.

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