I am pre-op 3 weeks to go, I have noticed a lot of hunger related questions

I was wondering if anybody has tried prescription diet aids ie:meridia,to help them control their hunger post-op?    — Cindy B. (posted on September 15, 2000)

September 15, 2000
Hello Cindy: I don't know the answer to your question about Meridia post op. However, I have some ideas. I had open RNY so I'll talk about that particular surgery. I do not need any hunger or diet aids. That was what this surgery was all about! It takes so little to satisfy my hunger. Yes, I still get hungry as before, but I am just as satisfied with 2/3 cup of food as I was with 2 or 3 PLATES of food before. It is simple, really. But, there is always high anxiety preop and immediately postop as to how you will respond. I found that when I was a recent postop, I didn't experience the "full" sensation until I was on regular foods. When I was on liquids - clear or otherwise - even very thin and runny purees, the "full feeling" wasn't there and I was a bit concerned. I needn't have been. Believe me, when I started eating regular foods, I KNEW when I'd eaten enough. I experience PAIN if I either eat too much or eat too fast or eat when I'm upset. So, I've learned to eat slowly, relax, chew well, and don't overdo. This has been a wonderful surgery as far as training me to eat 'normally.' If someone does these things and still has a big hunger issue - I suggest that it is psychologically related and that person needs some counseling to deal with other issues. I am so happy to have had this surgery! It truly is a God-send. Best wishes on your upcoming surgery. I'm sure you will do very well with it.
   — Cindy H.

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