I was denied after first try for tummy tuck surgery...any tactics or ideas

   — Jon-Michael M. (posted on March 14, 2001)

March 14, 2001
Appeal it - you probably have 30 days in which to appeal. Several members here have copies of their appeal letters on their websites. Best wishes.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 14, 2001
Don't call it a "tummy tuck", call it a panniculectomy. The hanging mass is referred to as a pannis. Make sure you mention how hard it is to clean under the large fold of skin. The area is subject to chronic candida infections which turn the skin red and odiferous. This large mass of skin also causes leg and back pain. Don't mention anything cosmetic. Remember: a tummy tuck is for rich ladies. A panniculectomy is for working stiffs who have lost a lot of weight. Sounds weird but it worked with my insurance company. Good luck!!
   — dantevolta

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