When you vomit is it from nausea or from a tight full feeling?

I have gotten into a habit of eating then twenty or so minutes later feelling like I want to rid myself of the full feeling. I step into the bathroom and all I have to do is look at the toilet and I throw up, but I still feel like it is somewhat of a choice. Is this the same type of vomiting as one would experience from a narrowing of the stoma or is that a more involuntary gotta run to the bathroom type of vomiting. There are very few foods that leave me feeling comfortable enough to keep them down. I am 7 weeks postop.    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 27, 2001)

March 27, 2001
I have the same exact feeling. I am almost 3 months post-op and almost thought I had written the post myself. I vomit usually 4 times a week just by looking at the toilet. It is never a nausea but always a fullness. I hope someone posts a response for us.
   — Twila S.

March 28, 2001
I am 10 weeks postop(LAP RNY 49lbs down) and I find I get that feeling only if I've eaten way to fast, way to much, or way to big of bites...try slowing down etc.
   — Debora H.

March 28, 2001
I am 4 weeks post-op. Had that problem a LOT last week. I backed off to softer foods for about 2 days to let any stoma swelling go down. After that I have had no problems as long as I chew, chew, chew!! I think that I was eating too fast and not chewing into small enough bites. Are you taking 20 - 30 minutes to chew your food? Hope this helps!
   — Toni B.

March 28, 2001
I find that when I eat too fast or eat something that is not chewed enough or moist enough, it comes back up. It happens exactly as you describe - although I feel my pouch spasming- I go to the restroom - look at the toilet & it comes up. This happens very infrequently and sometime my stomach is just sensitive and it happens. That's when I go back to liquids and softer foods for a few days.
   — Lisa B.

March 30, 2001
I want to be very careful how I state this because I am not wanting to preach or be over alarming. I was bulimic for 19 years.. This was the worst prison that you can imagine. You feel like you should just be able to stop throwing up, but you can't. I had several years of counceling and got the problem under control. By under control, I mean that the day's that I didn't throw up were marked down on the calander with "smiley faces". The days I was "bad" were marked with "frowny faces". I can say that for the last few years, I have been mostly successful.. Now, here comes the problem. I have recently had Lap RNY. I am 3 1/2 weeks post op. I too get those feelings that I am too full and need to vomit to feel better. I get the feeling that I may explode. THESE ARE EXACTLY THE SAME FEELINGS THAT I USED TO GET AFTER A BINGE!!!! Please take this seriously because you could be starting some really bad practices that can put you in just as big of a prison as being morbidly obese. My suggestion is to stay away from that toilet. Walk around, breath deep, don't think about throwing up, don't give yourself that option. This is what I have to do. Don't give yourself that option and you will eventually learn to stop eating sooner so the feeling will not come. I am struggling every day with this, but I have only thrown up one time. I had this surgery to get healthy and I am determined not to pick up any old habits. If I have overreacted to your question, please forgive me, but this subject is near and dear to my heart. I wish you health.
   — Dorothy T.

April 5, 2001
I strongly advise that you have a checkup with an internist...I had the exact same problem for nearly 4 months post op...the stomach was "scoped" and they found what turned out to be two medial ulcers just below the suture line...would never have healed without medical intervention...this is not uncommon with those who have had the distal bypass.
   — Tyra B.

April 8, 2001

   — Bob G.

July 17, 2001
This is the question that I have been asking myself for the past two weeks. I am 4 wks. post op , throwing up 1 -2 times/ daily. All I have to do is stand in the bathroom and up it comes. It is always following that full, uncomfortable feeling, even though I only eat 3-4 bites of soft foods over a period of about 20 minutes. What is going on with me?
   — Chenoah H.

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