Temp after surgery?

Is is common to run a temperature in the hospital right after surgery? For what reason would you run a fever other than an infection or something of that nature?    — Donna H. (posted on May 2, 2001)

May 2, 2001
I ran a temp in the hospital on my 3rd day post op. It went up to 101.1 and they gave me antibiotics and told me they werent concerned. for the next 2 weeks I ran a temp on and off up to 102. I have heard people say it is from the trauma of surgery to your body or I just might have gotten sick. They did do a blood test and said my white count was normal. As I understand it if the white count is normal there is no major infection. I hope this helps you.
   — Kathy831

May 2, 2001
I ran a low grade fever for the first few days after surgery and the doctor said not to worry unless it went over 101. I am 5 weeks post op and almost every evening I run a temp of 99-100. My doctor is aware of this and continues to tell me not to worry unless it gets over 101 or if I have symptoms that would normally take me to the doctor. I have been told that my low grade fevers are my body's way of telling me I am pushing to hard. I believe that to be true as the days that I have quiet, at home time for the majority of the day, I do not run a fever.
   — smummert

May 3, 2001
I ran a temp after I left the ICU and went to the regular floor. I was becoming antsy. The longer you are in the hospital, the greater chance of developing infections. I was in the hospital for 10 days. When I had a fever, I practically attacked my doctor when he came in to visit but he did not seem to be too concerned. Some blood work, childrens tylenol and everything settled down after that. I was already taking antibiotics.
   — Jan M.

May 3, 2001
I agree, it is normal to run a temperature after surgery but it is also something to keep an eye on. I ran a temp the whole time I was in the hospital and even was made to stay an extra day because of it. I moved out of state the day I got out of the hospital. My instructions were to call the surgeon if it went over 101. Well, it bounced up and down for another week and each day I started feeling a little worse. It got to where I had no energy and couldn't make it from the parking lot to inside a store without feeling like I was dying. On my 14th day post op I finally went over 101. I called my surgeon and he sent me to the ER. Turns out I developed a major infection in the site where he pulled my G-tube. I ended up in the hospital for 5 days on very powerful antibiotics. After that I was fine but it was a very miserable time. There was even talk of shipping my by ambulance from Louisiana back to Texas so my surgeon could handle me directly but thank God that wasn't necessary. Stay on top of your temp, stay aware of how you are feeling and if you notice something radically different in either of these areas get on the phone with your surgeon! I was told I could have died had I not gotten this treated!
   — Kellye C.

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