Will I be able to take my MAOI anti-depressant ( Nardil) after surgery?

I take an MAOI for depression ( Nardil) and I was wondering how this will affect me. My concerns are: how they will go about giving my medications after surgery. I take 4 (Nardil) a day along with 3 anxiety pills a day (Chlordiazep...generic formula). How will this affect me before surgery and how long to be off of it and how long before I will be able to start taking my medications again after sugery. I have tried several other anti-depressants the SSRI's etc...and none of these have worked for me. My doctor then decided that he would put me on the MAOI. Any answers would be greatly appreciated. Anything that anyone knows about. Thank You    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 27, 2001)

May 28, 2001
This is definetly something you want to speak with not only the surgeon but whoever is treating/prescribing the meds for your depression. I know you must be careful with foods and MAO's so make sure you know up front what to avoid since your eating habits change with surgery. Best wishes
   — Linda M.

May 28, 2001
Of course, ask your surgeon. But you should be able to do just fine as long as a pharmacist--not just the surgeon--is consulted before any new meds are added (because MDs are less knowledgeable about medication interactions, especially surgeons). In the hospital, as long as your chart is properly labeled as an MAOI patient, a pharmacist reviews all meds for interactions. And of course, follow the same dietary restrictions as before--no (or very little) aged cheese, red wine, picked herring, etc. Whatever you do, make SURE your chart is labeled "MAOI--NO DEMEROL!" wherever an allergy would be listed--and your ID bracelet, too, if they use them. Demerol can kill someone whose had Nardil within the last several days to weeks, and it is a very common post-op pain reliever. In fact, you really should be wearing a Med-alert bracelet that says "MAOI," so if you were unconscious (like, after a car accident), you wouldn't get a medication which could hurt you. Good luck with your surgery.--Jesse
   — Jesse M.

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