Please be cautious of your post op increase in fertility!!!

I wanted to take a minute to get the word out AGAIN to people that post-op your fertility goes WAY UP. I received the shocking news this week that at age 40 and on the pill without any missed pills what-so-ever, and with a husband who had a vasectomy a few months back.. I am pregnant. This was not welcome news for me or my husband. I had vertical banded gastroplasty about a year ago and have lost 130 pounds. With my surgery, it wasn't an issue of the birth control pill not be absorbed normally.. it was apparently just incredible fertility that even the pill couldn't overcome. PLEASE.. if babies aren't on your wish list.. be EXTREMELY cautious. I won't be going near my hubby until his vasectomy is redone and I have a tubal ligation. Apparently we need the belt and suspenders both!    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 19, 2001)

June 19, 2001
Oh My goodness. I do understand your not planned pregancy and concerns.......but i do have to tell you this...This child that is inside of you is meant to be here. There are to many things that he has gotten through to get here..A vasectomy,tubligation...the pill...and guess what..You're pregnant..What a blessing girlfriend...That baby is going to be somebody..Please welcome that baby as a Gift from God.
   — Angela A.

June 19, 2001
Wow, I don't know how you could have been more careful! I think Angela's right...this baby just wanted to be born and there was no stopping it! God bless you all!
   — Allie B.

June 19, 2001
Wow! I know it was unexpected for you, but congratulations! It must be fate for you to have this baby. I will heed your word, defitinitely. I do want one more child eventually, but not until ALL of my weight is gone! Thanks for the heads up. And again, Congrats!
   — Kim B.

June 19, 2001
I hear you loud and clear and that's why I'm getting an IUD on Monday! I am very fertile even though I'm fat so I need to be VERY careful.<br><br> Good luck to you and your husband no matter what you decide to do about your pregnancy. Choices like those are never easy to make either way.
   — Julia Z.

June 20, 2001
Please know, that I agree too that the Lord has a plan for this child..remember it is not about you but about Him. We are His servants, and I can't wait to see what He has planned for this miracle baby!! If you don't know the Lord and walk in the spirit, draw close to Him now as He has something special planned for your family. Please feel free to e-mail me if you ever need any help. Be Blessed and rest in the Lord!!!!
   — Marie B.

November 24, 2001
I wanted to say, even though it is unplanned, you are very blessed. If this baby is not wanted, really, consider adopting this baby out. We had a son May 8, 1998 and I would give my life for his. He died at 6 days old of sever HLHS (Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome). He was an angel on earth. Please go see him at his web site and think hard about that baby you are carrying. I wish only the best for you and your baby. Hugs, Donna
   — Donna P.

November 24, 2001
I will be THRILLED if jen is able to get pregnant. PCOS is a HUGH problem here. I pray your baby finds a good home with you or someone else.
   — bob-haller

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