Could IDIOPATHIC INTRACRANIAL HYPERTENSION be a cause of unexplained seizures?

Wouldn't IIH show up in the typical tests that are run to find a cause of seizures? Some background: Last Oct. I started getting grand mal seizures. During my stay in the hospital, I had CAT scans, EEG, and lots af bloodwork. Everything came out normal; no cause for the seizure could be found. I was sent home without medication as they thought it was just a one time occurence. Well 2 months later, I had another seizure and had all those tests run again, adding an MRI and ultrasound of the veins of my neck. Still normal; no cause to be found, but this time I went home with Dilantin (anti-seizure med), which I'm still taking (probably for life). On the med. I had no more occurence of seizure, so life got back to normal. I then started researching WLS and came across Idiopathc Intracranial Hypertention (high pressure in the fluid around the brain) as a co-morbidity factor of morbid obesity. So, I'm wondering if this IIH has anything to do with seizures, maybe it being a cause? Or would this have shown up on all that testing I had done? Btw, I did have my surgery (open distal RNY) about a month ago, on 5/21/01. So far, so good as far as seizures are concerned. I had to switch from the pill form Dilantin (couldn't get them down) to the liquid form (YUK! GROSS! I now call it YUK-lantin instead of Dilantin). Though I will have to have my Dilantin levels closely monitored and dose adjusted as needed, as my weight goes down.    — lalasmommy (posted on June 23, 2001)

June 23, 2001
Alexandra-This might not help you with the seizure question but I was told I had the same problem in feb. 97 its also called Pseudo Tumor Cerebri. I have never had seizures but I have felt as if my head was going to explode. I had a open R-N-Y 6-1-01 in hope of a cure. If you want to chat more feel free, [email protected].
   — Kimberly B.

June 23, 2001
YES it can cause siezser(sp oops) i had 4 before my lp shunt was placed and now they have stopped....also weight los is NOT a garanteed cure for IIH. i have been dealing with this condition for 8 years or so and at my worst i had gotten down to 145 and that is when i lost vision and had the LP shunt placed....however i am bavk up AGAIN! anyway i feel that if the weight loss doesnt cure IIH it will help with all my other conditions so i can better handle the IIH. (my shunt has failed buy the way!) also the only way to dignos this condition is a spinal tap (and the CAN flucuat and be normal pressure at the time of the tap!) hope i have helpedZ! bekka
   — bekka K.

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