Are you required to stop taking your antidepressant

Hello Everyone! I haven't seen this question answered anywhere but Are we supposed to be medicine free when we go in for surgery? If so, how many days before surgery are you required to be antidepressant free? I take Paxil and was wondering if I am supposed to be CLEAN and FREE of this antidepressant before my surgery? Thanks for any help. Darline Harrod    — Darline H. (posted on July 14, 2001)

July 14, 2001
I took depression meds and about 11 others before my surgery and the only one I had to stop before was the anti-inflammatory, which i quit taking 2 weeks before. I am off most of my meds now except for the depression med. As soon as I woke up after surgery they were giving me my meds. So check with your doctor just to be sure though
   — C. L.

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