Did anyone have to see an endocrindologist?

My PCP put in a referral for GB the medical group instead had referred me to an endocrindologist for an evaluation. Has anyone else had to go this route? If so, what can I expect? Also, what type of dr is an endocrindologist? THX    — Katie M. (posted on July 24, 2001)

July 24, 2001
I also had to see the endocrinologist before I saw the surgeon. She was like a nutritionist also. She asked about my past diets that I have been on and my past medical history and then took all the blood that they needed lol. Sometimes you may even have to have a psych evaluation, fortunately I did not have to have one. It seems to be the norm to have the endo appt, so don't worry they're not giving u the run around. Good Luck
   — ncgal

July 24, 2001
I have to have SIX consults, including the endocrinologist. It's a pretty common consult. You can see my profile for details.
   — Kathy J.

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