Has anyone been canceled due to health issues?

I've had to wait so long for this surgery, (my PCP started work on it last fall), and I have a date now of Aug 17th. I am concerned about being canceled at the last minute when I go in for the lab tests and pre-op workup. My insurer only approved because I had so many health issues, but I don't know how bad is too bad for surgery. When I asked about the long waiting list, the Dr.'s office said I would be moved up if they got a cancellation.k I inquired as to why there would be any canceled, was it the patient or the Dr.'s decision, and she said "either". But, they have not moved me up so maybe that's a good sign. Just was wondering if anyone had been bumped off the list for any reason? Thanks, Anne    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 25, 2001)

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