How do we get enough essential oils?

I try to eat tuna, but I am already tired of it. What other foods give you the essential oils you need? I think I heard that there is a pill called "essential Oils" Does anyone know if we can absorb it or not? Mary in NC    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 4, 2001)

August 4, 2001
Very astute of you to notice! Since we malabsorb so many of our fats 'n oils, we're assuming that we're losing the essentials, as well. We KNOW we lose A, D & E, though K does not seem to be a problem. There is a company who markets a non-oil form of Omega 3 & 6. I'm working with them to test it on bypass patients and they are WILLING (hallalujah!) to test it to see if we can absorb it. The idea being to test it on distals and then short proximals and see how/if there is much difference vs fish oil pills. It's in the works, but it is not a sure thing. The company exists and you can surely buy the product, but I can't recommend it yet, since we haven't done the tests. It could be a big waste of $$$.
   — vitalady

August 5, 2001
Mary, This is a good question. I am not sure if you mean essential oils as I usually think of those as the oils used for aroma therapy or massage. Do you mean omega oils? I presently take cod liver oil capsules or use flax seed oil from the refrigerator of the health food store. Michelle's response about absorption is a good one. My guess is that our bodies recognize the healthy omega oils and can differentiate them from the oils in packaged foods that contain trans fatty acids and can create intestinal distress and weight gain for everyone not just the post ops. I hope others in the know will respond to your question.
   — [Anonymous]

August 6, 2001
Hi Mary, If you're looking to supplement the ADEK's there is a vitamin called ADEK's by ScandiPharm. I had an open BPD/DS on 4-11 and my surgeon has me taking these 3x per day. I can get them over the counter at Rite Aid and I pay $27.85 for 60 chewables(come in liquid too). However, I can get them from Cosco Pharmacy for $18.95. A big savings. They sort of taste like orange flavoring. I know many Cystic Fibrosis patients take these due to Malabsorbtion issues also.
   — Linda M.

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