Does anyone know of support groups for spouse of people who have had WLS surgeries?

I would like to help my boyfriend through this to make sure his needs are taken care of while I am going through the changes associated w/my surgery. He would be willing to go to a support group to help him prepare/cope as appropriate. What have others done in this area?    — Yvette W. (posted on March 17, 2002)

March 17, 2002
Have you taken him to your support groups? It's a good way to educate him about the surgery and it's quite possible he'll meet other significant others that he can talk with.
   — garw

March 17, 2002
My husband has gone to all the support group meetings with me. He actually enjoys going, he is learining things right along with me. and I think it makes him feel better to hear what others experiences, what to expect and how to help me in my different stages of the journey. I think that is what makes him even a better support to me.
   — Tammy N.

March 17, 2002
Barb Thompson a menber here has a chapter in her great book just for SO, husbands, wives, girlfriends etc. Email me for a link to her site. DEFINETELY take him with you to support group meetings!
   — bob-haller

March 18, 2002
Here is a link to an online WLS support club for spouses.
   — Melody F.

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