I am 14 months post-op and have started losing my hair again.

It's not quite as bad as the first time I lost some hair, but it is noticable to me. I just had my 1 year check up last month and all went very well with the results. I get my water and protein and have even upped my carbs because I for some reason am continuing to lose weight. When I mentioned to my surgeon my concern for continued weight loss he was not overly concerned and said I will soon plateau and possible gain 5-10 pounds back. Has anyone else had a second go round with hair loss? Do you think it's because of my continued weight loss?    — Janie C. (posted on April 22, 2002)

April 22, 2002
Janie, I'm 10 months post-op, and also recently started losing my hair again. I haven't noticed on my head yet, just in the shower. I'm hoping this means I'm starting to lose weight again, I've been on a fairly constant plateau since Christmas! Anyway, I just wanted you to know you're not the only one!
   — Becky H.

July 24, 2002
I'm 16 mos post op and noticed I'm losing my hair again too! Hopefully it will pass like it did at the 3 month mark! I know I'm eating enough protein.
   — Peg M.

September 18, 2003
I'm almost 3 years out and have noticed recently that I've been losing hair again. I contribute it to not getting in enough protein and water. I've been told that through continued weight loss and maintaining weight that sometimes we have to make some dietary changes to kick our bodies back into gear. So, I've added an extra protein source each day and upped my water intake. I've been doing this for about 2 weeks now and I don't seem to be losing anymore than the normal amount of hair (that comes off when you shower or brush your hair). I also seem to have more energy and my skin (especially my face) looks healthier --- not ashen, but more supple. Also, I've found that perming or coloring your hair can cause some hair loss, which is common in anyone who does this on a regular basis. I just make sure to condition the heck out of it before coloring and I use boxed color that has built in conditioners and less ammonia. Sorry for the long post---hope this helps. Good Luck! --Andrea
   — Andrea H.

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