Why am I not losing fast enough??

I don't understand. I had open RNY on 6/7/02. I started out at 325 and I now am around 283-291, depending on the time of day. I finally have gotten everything together. I am drinking 3 protein shakes a day, geting between 100 & 120 grams of protein a day, taking my vitamins, eating meat, meat and more meat per doctor's orders and drinking 80 oz. of water a day. Why am I not losing????? I am soooooo flustrated!!!!!!!! I finally have gotten it all down and to a routine and still not losing like I think I should be. I have been keeping track of my exercise and food on It says that I am burning 3985 calories a day and I am only eating between 700 & 1000. 360 being from protein shakes. What is going on??? I go for my three month check up on Wed. and I am scared the doctor is going to tell me that I am failing to use my "tool". HELP!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks~ Candi    — Candi B. (posted on September 5, 2002)

September 5, 2002
hiya candi {{hugs}} take a deep breath...sounds to me like you are doing fine! have you ever lost this much weight in this short of time before? please remember that some people just lose a bit slower than others but i think i lost about the same rate as you. i had lost around 40 lbs at 4 months...and i started out at 268lbs so... please don't doubt that this will work, you are doing an amazing job at keeping track of everything. you are using your tools, keep it up. i highly recommend joining a wls support group, it is sooo helpful to be around people who've been though what you are going through. if there isn't a local one, join an online group, there are many through yahoo and msn. take what you wrote here into your doctor and i'll bet he says you are doing just fine. you can email me anytime if you want to talk. [email protected] {{{hugs}}} kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal weight: 135lbs current weight: 130lbs
   — jkb

September 5, 2002
Don't dispear, you'll get there. Sometimes I go days or even a week without any loss. Them BAM! I'll loss 5 or 10 pounds within a few days. It's funny how things work, huh? I know a lot of people who do the samething. Hang in there, your doing just fine.
   — Sarah K.

September 5, 2002
I know this probably isn't what you want to hear but it's my opinion and truth and I want to share it with you. I started at 357 lbs. in April of this year. I'm right over the 100 lb. mark now and I know there are many others that had surgery around the same time I did and they've lost a lot more than I have but for's too fast. I'm losing hair like you would not believe - I've always had long, thick, dark curly hair that I've really enjoyed. I can sport it up or down - or at least I use to be able to. Now, I'm seeing scalp and bald spots in every direction. My doctor told me I should try and eat a bit more nutritious things throughout the day and to step up my protein. I'm trying....I really am but it's still falling out by the hand full's. Believe me, Candi - you're going to've got 2 years after surgery for an open opportunity to lose and you will. I promise - without a shadow of a doubt in my mind, just give it some more time. What you've done so far is nothing to be sad about - carry around a half of a 50 lb. bad of dog food for about 6 hours and you'll soon realize how much weight that truly is. Hang in there, girlfriend - you're doing just fine.
   — Lisa J.

September 5, 2002
Candi, don't despair. I only lost 25 lbs at 3 months and was sooooo depressed, but then at about 4 months the weight started coming off. I have lost 100 lbs in almost a year. My surgery was 9/27/01/ I started at 258, and I am at 161 right now. I believe it is because we have dieted so much and shut down our metabolism, our bodies go into a holding mode, I also think that is why I never made it on a regular diet, because I would lose heart before it started to work. hope this helps, Patti Meadows/ 258lbs.(9/27/01)/ 161 lbs.(09/05/02)
   — peppermintp

September 9, 2002
In my opinion maybe you are eating too much meat on top of the protein shakes and also you has to watch out for the seasoning , how you cook your meat and the how much fat is there. On top of that you drink water(which is good),but you might be retaining liquid. Good luck with your weight loss.
   — diana C.

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