Has anyone had to take the glucose tolerance test after wls?

I am almost 9 months out, had to go take this test this morning, after 45 minutes and having to force myself to drink that orange stuff, I was in pain like I had over stuffed my pouch, did it stetch from this over load? This drink is suppose to be taken in 5 minutes but there was no way I could get that much down that fast, it wasnt so much the taste but it was a lot to drink I beleive 6 oz. I was in pain afterwards from my chest to my stomach and back, has anyone experianced this?    — Deanna Wise (posted on September 15, 2002)

September 15, 2002
Yes, I did and did not have problems with the drink. My lab was familiar with by-pass patients and they worked with me. I drank it as fast as I could but took longer than the 5 min. I doubt that it stretched your stomach. We did have to stop the test before the end as my sugar had dropped to 45 and it was at a danger level. I have become Hypoglycemic because of WSL. It is managable. There is not much info on that to get help. I have had some diabetics give me good help and read what I could online. My insurance will not pay for me to see a nutricionist or a dietician and at the moment I can't afford to do it on my own. If you turn out to be hypoglycemic, do purchase a monitor. I got the cheapest one that Sam's had, recommended by the pharmacist, was told it was adequate for my needs. I only test when I have a problem, maybe every couple weeks. I carry glucose tabs (across the counter and reasonable) and if I am low, I take one of those. A hypoglycemic does not do the same things that a diabetic does so don't drink orange juice or eat a piece of candy if you get the shakes. If I eat about every 3 hrs and watch my sugar intake, I do fine. I also have learned what kind of sweets I can eat and what time of day. I stay away from candy and if I want something sweet I eat a cookie and eat after my evening meal when I already have food in my stomach. I don't do sweets in the morning or on an empty stomach. What happens is our bodies produce too much insulin. I read the sugar content and try to stay 4gr or less and there are many items out there that you can eat. There is even one ice cream with only 8 gms of sugar compared to the rest which average 35. hope this helps
   — Elizabeth K.

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