Is your surgeon (anywhere!) very experienced w/ massive weight loss plastics? I

I have lost 150lbs, and had a tummy tuck and breast lift. The tummy tuck (by a good local board-certified plastic surgeon here in St. Louis) went well becuase I had no more of a panniculus than a woman who has had several babies. But my breast lift results are awful--the right one is deformed. I consulted another well-known and well-respected plastic surgeon here, and he agreed the results on the breasts were "unacceptable". Sadly (I'm still absorbinbg this horrible and heart-breaking news) they may not be fixable at ALL. He warned me that NO plastic surgeon he knows of in my area is experienced wit--and specifically trained for--plastics body contouring on massive-weight-loss clients. He referred me to a Kansas City expert, but that surgeon charges $30,000 for a lower body lift, and nearly as much for arm lift and breast lift. Even IF he thinks he can help with a revision mastopexy, he may charge a huge amount for that. He IS probably excellent, but I will never be able to afford that. He charges this much, no doubt, because he is the only local competition and is overwhelmingly busy. That also means a big liability risk, also part of the high cost. But if I am to avoid another nightmare..AND STILL HAVE ANY OF MY OTHER PARTS DONE ( which I must; I am deformed--and also SINGLE at 43) I need to find someone as qualified who has a little more competition and so charges less. Do you know of a WLS-experienced surgeon anywhere in the US who charges less and will work with out-of-town clients? Please tell me! (Any experience with UHC insurance or other suregons who are board-certified but less experienced in WLS of my area also gratefully received.) Please answer here for the benefit of all, but also write me at "[email protected]"----------Thank You very much--Jesse    — Jesse M. (posted on December 17, 2002)

December 17, 2002
Jesse or Peri?? I received an email from you with this same story and question. The email was from Peri with the same email address but a local St Louis telephone number. This question and story is the same info, but your profile says you are from Virginia. I am very careful about who I respond to on my emails, this is a strange occurance. What gives Peri or Jesse or whoever you are??
   — Janie C.

December 17, 2002
Out of curiousity. Why are they unfixable? Did they take too much skin? I'm looking into this now and want to know what to watch out for. Thanks Leigh
   — Leigh P.

December 18, 2002
Dr. Sepehr Egrari in Bellevue, WA, has done many successful operations, both reconstructive and cosmetic, on people who have had major weight loss (some over 200 pounds lost). I had my abdominoplasty, brachioplasty and burn scar revision with him on 07/22/02. I never dreamed my body could look this good. <p>Dr. Egrari is very respectful of each person, takes time to answer questions, and as far as I'm concerned, is a plastic surgery demi-god! And no, he didn't pay me to say that! Go to my profile and look for the link to my plastic surgery profile to see before and afters; and you can look at his website for more contact information: Please let him know that I referred you if you contact him. Thanks and good luck!
   — Julia Z.

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