Anyone know anything about Shingles?

I have developed a raging, painful case of shingles. This is on one side of my body consisting of my right chest and breast area, my right underarm to my elbow and the right side of my upper back. I have been prescribed, steroids, pain medicine and a viral medication. How long do the blisters and pain last? I've read some about it and it says that it can sometimes last for months. I was told the current stress I am in could have caused the outbreak.    — Janie C. (posted on January 13, 2003)

January 13, 2003
Janie, unfortunately the only thing I know about shingles is that I had them and they were extremely painful. I had a much smaller outbreak that you and I still found it unbearable. I can't remember how long mine lasted, but I know it was not months. Two-four weeks is probably accurate, for me anyway. If you do a search on for shingles, you can get lots of helpful information. Good luck, hope you feel better soon.
   — Martha K.

January 13, 2003
My dad at age 85 had shingles. This was just after 9/11...he's an old veteran and the stress of it caused PTSD and then shingles. He was very ill for over 3 months. I don't know if it was his advanced age that made him so sick, but he was really sick for a long time. He now has post-herpetic neuralgia/PHN (after effects from the shingles which is actually the chickenpox/herpes virus). He got an outbreak on the opposite side just about 2 months ago....very minor compared to how it was when he was first sick. He was on acyclovir and also used Lidocaine patched for the pain, which was quite intense. I'll never forget hearing my dad cry on the phone (I called him like 3 times a week...CA to FLA) because the pain was so bad, he was so sick, and he worried that he was a "burden" to my mother. I'm so glad he came out of this okay...this was just an awful time for everyone. I hear the old folks seem to have the worst time of it. I hope your bout with shingles is over soon and that you can get adequate help for the pain part. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 13, 2003
When I was in College, I came down with shingles on my forearm. It was a thick and painful area that was painful; to touch. It was treated with steroids and unfortunately it did last for about 2 months. At the time, they told me that I probably developed them because of stress as well. Try not to scratch the area because I still have scars on my arm from them. - Mike
   — Michael N.

January 13, 2003
Shingles suck!! Bless your heart, I had a way smaller outbreak than you, and I was miserable. Interestingly enough, I found Gold Bond Medicated powder helped me - seemed to dry them up and reduce itching. Be sure to ask your MD, though, if you think you might want to try it. I was a home health social worker in the mountains of East Tn for a long time, and one of my elderly women patients told me she "took care of them shingles" with an ointment she made of lard (rendered the hog herself)and raw oatmeal. Not having a hog of my own, I had to make due with the Gold Bond. I hope you feel better very, very soon!
   — Kim A.

January 13, 2003
Janie, Shingles can be a big pain, and a big itch too! I get them when I become very nervous about a pending situation. They last for a few weeks. I use Cortaid Anti-Itch cream, it really helps. I just had to buy a tube yesterday as waiting for my surgery date has given me a full blown case all over my upper torso. Good luck!
   — Dreama C.

January 14, 2003
Janie, I break out with shingles as a response to extreme physical or mental stress. Any thing really stressful and there they are. I get them just to the left of the top of my tail bone. I had my surgery January 2nd and there they were night before last, right on cue. I too use medicated powder and do my best not to touch them. They hurt, they itch but they go away in a couple of weeks (2 maybe 3 weeks). The most important thing I have found is NOT TO TOUCH them! Best of luck to you! God Bless.
   — garnet156

January 14, 2003
Janie, I break out with shingles as a response to extreme physical or mental stress. Any thing really stressful and there they are. I get them just to the left of the top of my tail bone. I had my surgery January 2nd and there they were night before last, right on cue. I too use medicated powder and do my best not to touch them. They hurt, they itch but they go away in a couple of weeks (2 maybe 3 weeks). The most important thing I have found is NOT TO TOUCH them! Best of luck to you! God Bless.
   — garnet156

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